10 Ways to Detect Real Butter


The fact is that the market offers a lot of advertised products that are supposedly healthier than butter and even look virtually indistinguishable from it. However, they are all artificial substitutes, and their usefulness is a highly controversial issue. Real butter contains vitamins “A”, “D” and “E” that are essential for our body.

The use of butter has beneficial effects on eye vision, skin condition and concentration of attention. In addition, butter supports our central nervous system much better than the mass of special nutritional supplements. Nutritionists say one should eat twenty grams of butter every day. The main thing is to choose natural butter. So, how do you know whether the butter in front of you is real?

  1. What are we looking for first of all when choosing a product? That’s right: its composition. Real butter does not contain a number of different vegetable oils, like margarine. The composition of butter is laconic: whole milk and cream.
  2. If the pack does not say “butter” – it is also the reason to think well whether there is no margarine inside.
  3. Natural butter made from cow milk can be discerned by its price – it is more expensive than any substitutes.
  4. If you have the opportunity to open the product (for example, at a market where butter is often weighed and sold) look at its color. It should not have any radical yellow or intensive white color.
  5. Natural butter is firm when touched. Another clue is that butter will not stain your package when you take it. Also, it does not stick to the knife.
  6. Pay attention to the expiry date of the product. Butter can be stored for no more than ten days. If it is in a metal can, it will not last for more than three months. When you look at the package and see that the manufacturer promises a long shelf life, it means butter contains preservatives.
  7. At home, one can also “identify” fake butter. If this is butter, it will melt evenly, and if there are droplets on the surface – this is margarine.
  8. When real butter is heated after cold – it does not become soft, in contrast to margarine, which melts quickly (due to vegetable fats).
  9. The butter made from high-quality cream is hard and smooth to touch. When you cut it, it should be shiny and homogeneous.
  10. Finally, natural butter should not crumble once it has been taken out of the refrigerator. Real butter is spread on bread as a dense homogeneous layer.

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