Prostatitis Treatment


Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland, which often develops as a result of a number of infections: chlamydia, ureaplasma, staphylococci, etc.

Prostatitis Risk Group

You are at risk if you lead an irregular sexual life, move little and sit a lot, if you suffer constipations and prolonged retention of urine in the bladder. Aggravating factors may be hypothermia and general immunosuppression. That is why prostatitis is often exacerbated in autumn, winter, and early spring.

Prostatitis Symptoms

Prostatitis most often occurs without any manifestations. During exacerbation, you can experience symptoms such as pain in the abdomen or scrotum, frequent and painful urination. This should alert you and make you see the urologist, who will define the treatment.

Prostatitis Treatment Diet

During the treatment of prostatitis a man should adhere to a certain diet. First of all, it will be necessary to give up the foods that tend to irritate the prostate. These are spicy, salty, smoked, fatty foods, as well as food causing fermentation in the gut; nourishing meat, mushroom, fish soups and sauces, carbonated beverages, foods and drinks with a high caffeine content.

Chronic Prostatitis & Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol is also included in the list of foods and drinks, which should be treated with caution. During exacerbation of prostatitis, you should abstain from alcohol. However, in chronic prostatitis alcoholic beverages in moderation can even bring benefit. The main problem with prostatitis treatment is the complexity of drug delivery to prostate tissues because of a disturbed blood circulation caused by inflammation. Alcohol dilates blood vessels and improves blood circulation. However, not any alcohol will be useful. Cognac and wine are best avoided.

Medical Treatment of Prostatitis

To maintain the functions of the prostate gland, it is important not only to improve blood circulation, but also to start medical treatment as soon as possible. The main drug therapy includes antioxidants, such as lycopene. According to scientific studies, lycopene selectively accumulates in the tissues of the prostate and helps the body to protect cells from free radical damage. When accumulated in the body, it reduces the activity of autoimmune and inflammatory processes in the prostate tissue and controls excess cell proliferation of the prostate gland.

Prostatitis Prevention

Men are recommended to see the urologist once a year, move more, maintain a regular sex life and eliminate casual sex, which can bring infections and sexually transmitted diseases.

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