Try Cryotherapy on Your Stiff Joints

Right now many people are trying to get arthritis out of their joints by cryotherapy; it can even be referred to as a trendy cure as it draws in more and more sufferers. It is popular and helpful, that’s fine; now you would like to know what it is exactly.

You are supposed to take the treatment standing in a special chamber known as a cryochamber where the temperature is maintained at -184 F and up to -256 F. Agreed, you are subjected to cold, maybe extreme cold for some, but this is what is believed to do the trick. Athletes who don’t like their joints to be the creaky crowd to get in – in spite of the fact that the whole procedure sounds quite frightening. Some prospective clients could even be scared off by pictures that can be found on the Internet. Meanwhile, those who welcome new experience in their lives venture to get it and to do good to their joints that act up.

So you decided to pay a visit to a center which provides cryotherapy. The first thing you do is strip until you are wearing only your birthday suit. The center will give you special socks, Ugg-type boots, mittens, and a face mask with earmuffs – that is all you will be needing for your session. As soon as you are “attired properly,” you are shown into the cryo-chamber (it can be compared to a brightly-lit spotlessly clean freezer). The attending technician sets the temperature which depends on whether you are in for the first time or not.

While you are enduring severe cold, your immune, nervous, and endocrine systems in the temperate receptor of the skin will get stimulated. The effect will immediately abate any inflammation in any part of your body, and you will feel the pain wear away. Apart from notable physical reaction, there is a mental impact as well.

You will have about three minutes of the “new experience,” and that is more than enough: so conditioned, you will find time dragging by much slower than it does while you are watching a football match. There will be symptoms like shivering, tightening, when all your body wants is to draw in as much as it can, and other chilling reactions. They will not be your happiest three minutes of the day.

This kind of exposure cannot be called pleasant, surely, but it will tell on your overall state. Once you have gotten over the procedure, you will feel relief, and it is supposed to help along with your workouts too since you will boast suppler joints. Further research is going to uncover other benefits or side effects the trendy therapy involves.

This journey to the coldest regions of our planet embodied in cryotherapy threatens to impinge on your comfort zone, but think whether it will still be worth your while trying.

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