What to Eat in the Fall to Prevent Feeling Blue?

October is usually the time of gloomy and rainy weather. Even bright gold and scarlet leaves do not seem to be a strong consolation because the thermometer is steadily creeping down, and the days are getting shorter. So the traditional autumn blues is about to come. Winter is not far away with its colds and frosts. Therefore, we should acknowledge that we will miss the heat and sun for a very long time. This means it’s time to review your diet. What products will help not to get sick and not to feel blue at this time?

Foods with the right fats and fat soluble vitamins

In recent years, many have neglected fats, considering them almost the main enemy of the figure. But this approach is fundamentally wrong. Fats are extremely necessary for our brain and immunity, especially for modern people who are losing weight.

One egg with a liquid yolk a day, a spoonful of butter in our porridge or on a slice of wholegrain dried rye bread, and fatty sea fish twice a week will provide us with both the daily amount of vitamin D and vitamin A, which is important for immunity, and healthy fats, including omega-3 deficient fatty acids. In addition, fats are responsible for ensuring the barrier function of the skin and mucous membranes and will prevent the infection from entering the body.

Fiber-rich foods

Wholegrain cereals (oatmeal, millet, buckwheat, pearl barley), as well as green leafy vegetables (especially all types of cabbage) are a source of complex carbohydrates that will provide you with energy for a long time. But their main advantage is that they contain fiber, magnesium, B vitamins, selenium, which are essential for the good functioning of the nervous system, strong immunity and well-being of the intestinal microflora. You may wonder about the relationship between intestinal health and immunity.

It turns out that the link between them is very direct. A strong, healthy microflora provides both strong local and general immunity, which will prevent the virus from entering the body, will interfere with the development of a bacterial or fungal infection and protect the gastrointestinal tract from tumor processes.

Foods Rich in Vitamin C and Antioxidants

Everyone knows that antioxidants protect us from colds, illnesses, and even aging. The main one is vitamin C, but it is very unstable and quickly breaks down during heat treatment and even during normal storage. Thus, everything that we eat raw, whether it be fruits, berries and even sauerkraut, is its main source.

Particular attention should be paid to seasonal products: plums, sea buckthorn, lingonberries, bell peppers, and all-season lemons. These products are also rich in organic acids and flavonoids, which protect us from the harmful effects of adverse environmental factors.

Spices and bitterness

Onions, garlic, and mustard will help survive in the season of colds and quickly recover, if you get sick. If you are confused by the specific smell that may appear after such prophylaxis, pay attention to ginger, natural honey, cinnamon, and turmeric.

These products improve the immunity and have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antioxidant effects. Turmeric, for example, is able to bind and remove heavy metals from the body and even protect our DNA from mutations. It is also extremely beneficial for the brain and nervous system. Make yourself a cup of “golden milk” with turmeric and honey on a gloomy and rainy evening. Such a drink will help you relax after a hard working day and will not let you get sick.


Water is not only the basis for all life processes in our body, it also dissolves and removes harmful toxins. But if the body is cleaned of waste and harmful substances, its organs will work better, and the immune system will be stronger. If there is not enough water in the body, this will affect not only the health, but also the work of the brain and the condition of the mucous membranes and skin.

Everyone has heard more than once that you need to drink about 2 liters of clean water per day, but not everyone knows how to drink it. It turns out that this is also a very important issue. A large volume of water drunk in one gulp will come out quickly, but practically nothing will be able to dissolve in it. Thus, in order to increase the concentration of harmful substances, dissolved in urine, and improve the excretory function of the kidneys, water should be drunk evenly throughout the day in small sips.

And you have to enjoy every day and never give in to despondency! After all, the nervous system is the queen of our body. Taking care of your health and good mood, you will not be afraid of either cold rainy weather or everyday hardships. Happy autumn to you!

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