Post-Ebola Syndrome: Surviving Is Not Enough


There was shocking information that the people who managed to survive Ebola began to demonstrate the symptoms of an unknown state, which doctors call “post-Ebola syndrome.” Many months after recovery, various signs of poor health were observed in them. Doctors are still unable to explain the nature of these symptoms.

Post-Ebola syndrome includes a plurality of negative physiological manifestations. People suffer from poor eye vision (sometimes even blindness), pain in the eyes and joints, falling out hair, deteriorating memory, and neurological disorders, such as anxiety and anxiety attacks.

Doctors do not know what causes such anomalies. There is no medical literature about the long-term consequences of Ebola, and no scientific studies on this subject have been carried out so far. How long does the “post-Ebola syndrome” last and how many people can be affected by it is still unknown.

In late January, the World Health Organization published a progress report on the fight against the epidemic of Ebola virus. The document stated that the incidence of deadly fever began to decline – there was recorded a decrease in the number of people infected with the virus. However, on February 4, new statistical information on the growing incidence of new cases in West Africa appeared. Clinical trials of vaccines against Ebola are currently conducted in the region.

For your information

According to the WHO, in December 2013, 22,495 cases of Ebola infection have been reported in nine countries in West Africa, and the number of fatal victims has reached 8 981 people.

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