Britons Opt for Medical Tourism


Plastic surgery tourism spreads all over the UK, where almost every third citizen of the country who wants to have a face-lift goes abroad for this. Most often, the Brits flock to Eastern Europe, where the quality of service is rather poor.

Breast augmentation in Sofia or Samara will cost an Englishman several times cheaper than in London or Birmingham, even taking into account the cost of travel and accommodation. That is why a third of the Britons who dared to undergo plastics, choose medical tourism and travel abroad. Most often, they select Eastern European countries, because they are closer, and the costs of services in many clinics are meant for local residents with low incomes.

But the low cost of plastic surgeons’ services in Romania, Poland or Ukraine, is combined with the low quality of these services. More than half of the Britons who chose medical tourism, were not satisfied with the final result. And 20% were forced to spend money on further corrective surgery in British hospitals.

The most popular country for breast augmentation is the Czech Republic chosen by 19% of British women who decided to go abroad for plastic surgery. Every fifth lip augmentation procedure and rhinoplasty is done here. But for a professional teeth whitening, Britons choose more distant countries – first of all, Thailand (28%).

In Switzerland, the UK residents often make a face-lift (29 %), botox injections (28%) and liposuction (14 %). One third of the “plastic tourists” suffer from postoperative infection (and only 9% of those who stayed at home).

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