Women Try 16 Diets in Their Lifetime


British scientists have calculated how many diets men and women try throughout their lives. The study is published in the Daily Mail.

It was found that women try about twice more diets than their partners do. Men go on not more than 8 diets during their life, and their girlfriends or wives try about 16.

According to the study, an average diet lasts for only 1 month, and women lose 2.5 to 3.5 kg. However, almost a third of the women (27%) said they only kept to weekly diets.

The reasons why it is so difficult to keep to a diet are a lack of willpower, boredom, meeting with friends.

The most popular motivation to go on a diet is dissatisfaction with the body. However, 27% women said they wanted to be sexier, and 19% decided to go on a diet in order to get in shape for the summer holiday. Only 1 % of women said they went on a diet to please the partner.

The most important observation: the majority of British women admitted that diets work. 71% of the respondents answered so.

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