10 Essential Oils That Will Make You Feel Good

When a cold starts or a headache attacks, you want to alleviate the unpleasant symptoms as quickly as possible and then get back on your feet. Essential oils are extremely concentrated sources of natural nutrients. They have a long and rich history of treating common cold and flu symptoms, such as coughing, headaches and fatigue. Oils can be used as an additional remedy prescribed by the doctor or can act as a natural herbal alternative to medicines.

1. Frankincense will help with colds and flu

As one of the oldest known essential oils, Frankincense has incredible antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties – they can reduce the recovery time for colds or flu considerably. Our ancestors did not know anything about bacteria or viruses, but they learned very early about the healing and calming properties of Frankincense. Frankincense is excellent for reducing severe cough or respiratory infections. It also has a natural soothing odor that can help relax and recover.

2. Cinnamon helps with colds and flu

Cinnamon is one of the most effective essential oils for alleviating cold and flu symptoms. A study conducted in 2010 showed that a mixture of cinnamon, clove and wild orange oil reduces the number of viral molecules in patients by 90%. Cinnamon is an intensely warming and soothing plant. Drinking tea with cinnamon will improve blood circulation and remove the chills that often accompany the flu.

3. Thyme is an ideal remedy for fighting respiratory problems

Thyme is best suitable for dealing with problems of the upper respiratory tract, such as “clogged bronchi”, coughing and sneezing. Breathing steamed thyme is extremely useful.

4. Mint against respiratory diseases

This essential oil has a bright smell and a natural cleansing property, which makes it ideal for cleaning the respiratory tract. It is excellent for reducing cough, sinusitis and throat infections. Besides, peppermint oil has a mild warming effect, which can be useful for minor pain that accompanies the flu.

5. Basil for cooking and medicine


Few of us have known that the popular ingredient for cooking has antiviral properties. It is best used for the treatment of severe bronchial coughs and congestion of mucus in the throat. Argentine basil is best suitable for alleviating cold and flu symptoms. Moreover, basil will be good for a spasmodic cough.

6. Lavender for headaches

Lavender is one of the most popular essential oils due to its strong floral, yet tranquil flavor. It relaxes muscles, helps with headaches and can even relieve sinusitis. The National Cancer Institute also found that lavender can balance hormones in women.

7. Tea tree is an effective way to treat different hurts

One can often see tea tree oil as an ingredient of natural skin care products due to its antibacterial properties. Although it is really great for fighting bacteria, this oil also has antiviral and antimicrobial properties. This means that tea tree oil is effective in reducing cold and flu and can alleviate most of the symptoms associated with infections. It is also great for cleaning furniture and the air in the house, so the relatives of the sick person will not get infected.

8. Sandalwood oil is an excellent expectorant

This essential oil is a natural expectorant. Expectorants are commonly found in cough medicines and syrups, so this is a natural alternative to those ingredients that facilitate coughing. Sandalwood oil is also suitable for inhalation.

9. Sage for cold and flu

Don’t let fatigue with the flu get you off your feet. There is a powerful natural remedy to use. Sage is one of the most diverse and multi-purpose essential oils – it can be used not only to treat the common cold, but also as a remedy for the nerves and the symptoms of menopause.

10. Eucalyptus to treat cold and stuffy nose

Its invigorating and fresh fragrance makes eucalyptus an excellent means for facilitating breathing and for treating strong cough and runny nose. Inhalation or adding eucalyptus oil to the bath instantly cleans the airways.

Essential oils are effective in treating colds and the flu

Be sure to remember: when using essential oils you need to keep the reasonable limits in mind. These oils are extremely concentrated, and they need to be diluted with water or softer oils, such as coconut or grape, to make them most effective in treating colds and flu.

Attention! Essential oils must be diluted with water or softer oils. Be sure to see your doctor before using them. Besides, do not treat serious diseases with essential oils. Instead, consult a doctor in time!

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