10 Useful Health Benefits of CBD

It’s no longer a secret that cannabis contains some pretty useful and unique health benefits, with scientists continuing to detail how and why the plant’s compounds are beneficial for the body. In recent years, cannabidiol (CBD) has been proven to be very therapeutic, and interestingly it doesn’t have any psychoactive properties. Therefore, a whole market has opened up for non-psychoactive cannabis products that boast many of the qualities that a whole-plant product does, sans the “high”.

Without further ado, here are 10 useful health benefits of CBD.

1. An effective health regulator

Having the various biological systems in the body in balance is essential to good health, and CBD helps the bodywork toward this by regulating the endocannabinoid system, otherwise known as improving ‘endocannabinoid tone’. CBD has multiple ways of achieving this, but all are centered around ensuring that enough naturally-occurring endocannabinoids are present, to influence cannabinoid receptors.

Homeostasis, a state of equilibrium, would not be possible without regulation of the endocannabinoid system, which has been shown to affect the mental and physical aspects of health, such as mood and inflammation.

2. Rich in antioxidants

There is a lot of talk nowadays about antioxidants in the natural health industry, and cannabinoids are indeed excellent antioxidants. Several cannabinoids appear to have helpful antioxidant properties, and these can be effectively harnessed to boost neurological health and also to slow aging. CBD reduces oxidative stress in the brain, which in turn combats neurodegeneration. Meanwhile, antioxidants neutralize DNA-damaging free radicals that accelerate aging by taking electrons from the skin. To protect brain health, vaping CBD e-liquid and vape oil is ideal, whereas creams, ointments and lotions infused with CBD are preferable for anti-aging purposes.

3. Feel better with CBD

Whether you’re suffering from a major depressive episode or are just a little down, CBD has awesome mood-elevating effects, which come from the compound’s promotion of the neurotransmitter and endocannabinoid anandamide. In a nutshell, having more active anandamide in the body and the brain improves mood by exhibiting antidepressant effects.

How does CBD do this? Not by creating more anandamide or mimicking it, but by shutting off an enzyme responsible for breaking it down. Hence, CBD naturally boosts mood, unlike selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) which disrupts the serotonin system.

4. Manage skin complaints with CBD

CBD is not a cure-all for every skin disorder – and the complexity of conditions like psoriasis and eczema means that not everybody will enjoy incredible results – but the well-documented anti-inflammatory effects of this non-intoxicating cannabis molecule can be of great use. For example, CBD has a novel way of managing acne, by controlling the sebaceous glands – however, instead of stopping sebum production, CBD interacts with cannabinoid receptors in the skin to regulate the amount being created.

5. Stop panic attacks with CBD

The adverse effects of anxiety can be hard to spot, and many onlookers may be oblivious, but this disorder can leave the sufferer feeling like they are in a mental prison. Anxiety can also be quite scary, with panic attacks causing physical distress such as a shortness of breath. CBD stimulates GABA, an inhibitory neurotransmitter, to help relax the brain and find a balance between excitation and inhibition. A consumption method with rapid speed of delivery is important when treating anxiety, and vaping fits the bill, helping to alleviate symptoms in just two or three minutes.

6. Boost concentration and become more productive

Procrastination is a boon for many, and the modern world has so many distractions that it’s easy to get caught up in pointless activities which stop us from reaching our full potential. But CBD can enhance productivity by increasing concentration and removing distractions, especially when taken in small doses. The anxiolytic attributes of CBD could be somewhat responsible for this, as reduced anxiety means fewer thoughts, and more opportunity to focus on important matters. There are several anecdotes online of people taking CBD at work to boost cognitive function and alertness through healthier means than coffee and cigarettes.

7. Ease inflammation throughout the body

Inflammation can be split into two types: external and internal. We have already touched on how CBD can reduce external inflammation by treating skin complaints, but with cannabinoid receptors expressed in nearly all areas of the body, it’s possible to tackle inflammation anywhere. The endocannabinoid system is connected to immune system response through CB2 receptors, and some research shows that endocannabinoids are needed to stop inflammation after the body has killed an infection or healed a wound. These receptors can be activated, either directly or indirectly, with CBD.

8. Improve sleep and banish fatigue with CBD

Avoiding long-term fatigue is extremely important, as constantly being tired affects your ability to function and succeed, which could have a knock-on effect on mental health, while increasing stress levels. While some dose themselves up on caffeine to fight sleepiness, there’s no better way to battle fatigue than by getting a proper night’s sleep. CBD induces sedation in high doses, and its natural, sleep-promoting effects are great for those with sleep anxiety, sleep apnea, insomnia and other sleep disorders.

9. Control appetite with CBD

Psychoactive THC, and therefore recreational cannabis, has forever been associated with increased appetite and “the munchies”. But other cannabinoids in the herb, including CBD and tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV) may help to reduce appetite. The endocannabinoid system influences appetite through the CB1 receptor. When THC binds to CB1, this boosts appetite; however, CBD is a negative allosteric modulator of this receptor, and subsequently suppresses our desire to eat.

10. CBD may reduce dependency on prescription drugs

This isn’t a call to chuck away your prescription drugs and change to CBD immediately, but if your medication does cause severe side effects then it’s worth checking out CBD. As CBD doesn’t force unnatural changes on the body, the side effects of CBD oil, CBD gummy bears and other products are typically very few.

A recent study found that CBD was just as effective at treating psychosis as antipsychotic drugs, but without the significant side effects.

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