The 3 Main Strategies for EMF Protection

EMF radiation from electrical devices is commonplace in everyday life. You will find it impossible to avoid exposure to this radiation if you continue to use essential technology like Wi-Fi, cell phones, and computers. However, there are strategies you can take to lower your exposure to EMF and minimize the health risks associated with these emissions.

Luckily, you don’t need to completely avoid modern technology to protect yourself from the dangers of EMF radiation. Look at these EMF protection ideas to improve your health and well-being.

What are the Main Strategies to Protect Against EMF Radiation?

EMF radiation comes from electrical sources, from power lines to cell phones. Any electrical item or the cables that supply it emits EMF radiation. There are three main strategies for protection against the dangers of EMF radiation, which are described below.

1. Limit the Duration of Exposure

The first way to lower your risk of health problems connected to EMF exposure is to limit the duration of the exposure. You will not be able to completely cut the period of your exposure, but you can lessen it to a certain extent. For example, simply switch off your devices when you are not using them. In particular, turn off the Wi-Fi at night. Plug your devices into a power strip so you can click the switch off when you need to. Unplug your TV and your microwave when you are not using them. And don’t forget to have regular technological detoxes where you don’t use your cell phone or your laptop at all. Spend time outdoors to increase the positive benefits that this practice provides.

2. Maximise Distance

Another crucial strategy is to put as much distance as possible between your body and the radiation source. Look at where your electronic devices are situated in your home. Try to move devices from your bedroom, which is where you spend a significant part of your day. Don’t keep your cell phone next to your bed. If you need it for the alarm function, put the phone in airplane mode and don’t use it during the night. Avoid having your laptop plugged in next to your bed.

During the day, continue to keep your distance from your devices. Don’t keep your cell phone in your pocket, for example. Put it away from you on a desk or table. Use a laptop on a desk and not on your lap. Use the speakerphone function and keep your phone away from your head when you are making or receiving calls.

Sometimes you cannot avoid being close to the source of EMF radiation, but if you control the times when you can use more distance, this will lower your overall exposure.

3. Use Protective Shielding

Third, using protective shields or barriers protects against exposure to EMF radiation. You can purchase various covers and shields for cell phones and other electronic devices. There are also shielding barriers to protect from EMF radiation coming from next-door apartments. Use pendants and crystals to provide a barrier to the threats from this radiation

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