4 Apple Myths

In August, we can enjoy fresh apples famous for their beneficial properties. However, nutritionists believe that some of the qualities attributed to this fruit are not quite deserved.

1. Eat Whole Apples

For example, experts are very skeptical about the popular opinion that you need to eat whole apples with peel and seeds, as it is better for digestion. In fact, the core of the apple and its peel irritate the intestines, and you should not eat them if you have intestinal diseases, so as not to provoke a relapse. Apple seeds hardly contain any substances, which could bring real benefits to the body. Moreover, they contain the toxic hydrogen cyanide, albeit in very small quantities.

2. Two Apples a Day Keep the Doctor Away

Physicians deny some other apple myths. So, they do not agree with the fact that if you eat two apples a day, you can forget about diseases forever. Apples are full of pectin – fiber improving intestinal peristalsis and helping to maintain the microflora balance. These fruits also contain organic acid and bioflavonoids promoting digestion and maintaining intestinal microflora. A healthy intestine is one of the essential conditions for a strong immune system. However, it is impossible to completely get rid of all health problems simply by eating apples (or any other product).

3. Apples Are Rich in Vitamins

Is it true? According to experts, there are only three substances really valuable for health – vitamin C, carotene and folic acid (vitamin B9). Neither of these components is contained in apples in large quantities. For example, to get the daily dose of vitamin C, you need to eat 2.5 pounds of apples. It is a “killer” load for intestines and teeth.

4. Eating Apples Prevents Iron Deficiency

Apple lovers won’t suffer iron deficiency. This statement can be heard everywhere, but oddly enough, there is not so much iron in apples: 100 grams of apples contain 2.2 mg of iron; almonds and apricots contain twice as much. In addition, the iron from plant foods is absorbed much worse than from animal foods, and you can be really protected from iron deficiency if you eat meat – at least 100 grams 3-4 times a week.

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