5 Everyday Household Items That May Be Harming Your Health

Are you the type of person who is constantly vacuuming, dusting, and wiping down your kitchen counters? Do you take pride in the way your mirrors are free of smudges and your faucets glisten? If keeping your home tidy is a daily priority, you need to keep in mind that, no matter how deeply you clean, allergens and other toxins could be hiding where you least expect them. But where should you look for them and, more importantly, how can you eliminate them?

Kitchen Gadgets and Appliances

Some of the items you use in your kitchen each day can be traps for bacteria. Both electric and manual can openers are exposed to various foods and can be a breeding ground for toxins such as salmonella. Countertop appliances such as blenders and mixers can similarly collect microorganisms, as can the various compartments in your refrigerator. Keep your kitchen clean and your family healthy by thoroughly cleaning these items on a regular basis.

Dirty Carpets and Rugs

It doesn’t matter how frequently you vacuum or how quickly you tackle stains. You may have dirty carpets and rugs and not know it. Even carpets and rugs that appear to be spotless can be hiding many toxins including biological growth and pesticides.

Vacuuming helps, but unfortunately, it eliminates only a fraction of the dirt in your carpets. For a truly effective deep cleaning, schedule professional cleanings on a regular basis. Not only will deep cleaning help eliminate all the pesky toxins, but you’ll also be extending the life of your carpets.

Biological Growth

Kitchens and bathrooms are susceptible to biological growth because microorganisms thrive in moist environments. Biological growth is harmful to your health and has been known to cause coughing, worsened asthma symptoms, upper respiratory tract infections, and other ailments.

The microorganisms behind this growth give off a musty smell, and you can also look for telltale signs such as discoloration on walls or tile. You can fight the problem on your own with specially designed cleaning products, but if you have a severe problem, hire a professional.

Harsh Cleaning Products

You may be surprised, but the products you’re using to keep your house clean could actually be harming your health. Many harsh cleaning products are loaded with chemicals and toxins that can make you sick. They can also be bad for your pets.

Fortunately, in recent years, the availability of natural cleaning products has enjoyed an uptick. These products are just as effective as their commercial counterparts. You may also consider making your own cleaning products from ingredients such as baking soda, lemon juice, and vinegar.

Your HVAC System

Your HVAC system is designed to keep your home as comfortable as possible, but if not properly maintained, it could actually be doing you harm. A dirty HVAC unit could reduce the indoor air quality of your house, as can dirty air filters. To keep your indoor air as clean as possible, you should schedule routine HVAC maintenance to ensure your unit and filters are clean and that everything is working efficiently.

A Clean Home Is a Healthy Home

Maintaining your health begins with maintaining a healthy home. Toxins may be lurking in unexpected places, but with effort and ingenuity, you can fight them off before they wreak havoc on your health.

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