58 Uses of Coconut Oil


Today, coconut oil is gaining popularity in the world. It can be useful in many cases – from the cooking of wholesome food and to the removal of a chewing gum from any surface. And these are just two of at least 58 ways to use coconut oil in everyday life.

Coconut oil is useful for the human body and contains lauric acid, vitamins E and K; it has anti-microbial, anti-fungal and moisturizing properties. This is a storehouse of beauty and health! Let’s run through the whole list.

Beauty & Care


1. Cuticle care

Coconut oil can help you get rid of dryness and cuticle peeling. You just need to rub it into the skin around the nail plate. In addition, you will also moisturize the skin during this process.

2. Hair Moisturizing

Coconut oil is a natural alternative to hair conditioners. Fatty acids, contained therein, soften the strands and do not contain additional chemicals that are part of air conditioners. A quick recipe for the hair mask: Mix coconut oil with honey and apply it on the hair, keep it there for 40 minutes and rinse with your usual shampoo. You can also prevent the appearance of split hair ends, applying a little bit of coconut oil each time before you wash your hair.

3. Styling

If your hair is prone to curling during wet weather, apply a bit of coconut oil to problem areas. It creates the protective film that does not transmit moisture.

4. Caring for the dull skin of the face

Coconut oil also restores the color and luster of your skin. Simply mix a little oil with baking soda (soda is a great natural scrub) and apply it on the skin with soft circular motions and a little massage. Then rinse with warm water.

5. Antibacterial facial mask

This is yet another quick recipe of a home facial mask with moisturizing and anti-bacterial properties, based on coconut oil and honey. Mix these two ingredients together and apply them on the clean face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

6. Lip moisturizing

By mixing coconut oil with brown sugar, you get a great scrub for lips; applying coconut oil, you get a natural alternative to the hygienic lipstick.

7. Body care

Mix coconut oil with salt and brown sugar, add a few drops of essential oil, and you will have a body scrub. You can also add coconut oil into the water while taking a bath to moisturize the skin.

8. Lip gloss

If you have your favorite lipstick, which has ended, you can obtain the leftovers from the applicator, mix them with coconut oil and you will get a lip gloss.

9. Makeup removal

Coconut oil can help you remove makeup. You just need to apply it on the skin, leave it there for 5 minutes and then wipe with a damp cloth. You can also remove waterproof mascara from eyelashes.

10. Instead of shaving cream

Coconut oil can also be an excellent substitution for the shaving cream because it improves the sliding of the blades and moisturizes the skin. It is especially good for people with sensitive skin.

11. Fighting against acne

To reduce skin inflammation and irritation, apply a thin layer of coconut oil after the usual cleaning. It has bactericidal properties and creates a protective layer.

12. Wrinkle prevention

Coconut oil is a good alternative to expensive anti-aging creams and serums, minimizing the appearance of wrinkles. Just apply a little oil on the skin around the eyes and gently massage it.

13. Caring for the scalp

Massaging the scalp with coconut oil will help get rid of dandruff and will prevent its re-occurrence.

14. Sunburns

If you have got burned in the sun, apply a little coconut oil on the reddened skin. It will reduce irritation, moisturize the skin and minimize exfoliation.

15. Eczema

Since coconut oil has anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties, it will help reduce itching and irritation of the skin, affected by eczema.

16. Homemade spa treatment

Mix coconut oil with a few drops of your favorite essential oil and you will get excellent massage oil for home spa treatments.

17. Foot skin care

Coconut oil softens the skin of your feet not worse than expensive creams and performs the function of a deodorant and antiseptic. To better cope with the unpleasant foot odor, add a few drops of tea tree oil into coconut oil.

18. Eyelash care

With the help of coconut oil, you can enhance your eyelashes by simply applying a little oil on them before going to bed.

19. Wax removal

If you use wax for hair removal, you can use coconut oil to remove its remnants from the skin or other surfaces. Apply a little oil on the sticky place and gently remove the waxy residue with a damp washcloth.



20. Making leather goods shine

Just wipe the surface of leather items with coconut oil, and you will return their original luster.

21. A chewing gum removal

Coconut oil helps to remove chewing gum residues or stains from any surface, including carpets and even hair.

22. Cleaning the bathroom

Instead of harsh chemicals, you can take plain coconut oil for cleaning the bathroom, and it will remove dirt and disinfect the surface.

23. Caring for wood furniture and appliances

Coconut oil is an excellent remedy for taking care of all wood products, including kitchen utensils (cutting boards, spoons, spatulas) and furniture. It is an effective way of disinfection and protection from drying.

24. Cleaning of metal objects

Coconut oil will restore tarnished metal objects luster, as well as help to remove rust from the surface.

25. Greasing hinges

With the help of coconut oil, you can get rid of creaking hinges by just greasing them.

26. Caring for the guitar

Coconut oil can be used to lubricate guitar strings.

27. Fixing a stuck zipper

If you cannot fix a jacket or a bag, apply some coconut oil on the zipper, and the problem will be solved.

28. Lighting the fire

Instead of chemical substances, you can use cotton balls soaked in coconut oil.



29. Preventing the occurrence of hairballs

To make sure your cat does not tear out clumps of hair, grease the pads of its paws with coconut oil.

30. Caring for pets’ hair

In addition to taking care of your own hair, you can use coconut oil to help your pets. Your cat’s or dog’s hair will be healthy and shiny.

31. Nutrition

Including coconut oil into the animal’s diet can help prevent the development of arthritis, avoid problems with ligaments, and regulate weight. Be sure to consult with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet.

32. Itching removal

If you notice that your dog is constantly scratching a certain place, apply a little bit of coconut oil there to relieve irritation and itching. Of course, after consulting with your veterinarian.



33. Adding coconut oil to tea or coffee

Try to add a few drops of coconut oil to your morning drink instead of sugar or honey. Oil is a good sweetener.

34. Homemade peanut butter

Place peeled nuts and coconut oil in a blender, and you will have a ready-made natural peanut butter in a few minutes.

35. Cooking fried foods

Coconut oil can be replaced with sunflower oil, which we usually use for frying. Coconut oil has a high smoke formation point, so it leads to fewer free radicals during cooking.

36. Salad dressing

To diversify your salad menu, try replacing olive oil with coconut oil.

37. Toast butter

Another way to diversify your menu when cooking toasts is just to replace the usual oil with coconut oil. On top, you can sprinkle cinnamon.

38. A smoothie supplement

With the help of coconut oil, you can also make your own “energy” smoothie by adding a teaspoon of coconut oil into your dish. You will surely feel vigorous.

39. Baking

Coconut oil can be used while baking goods, including cakes, cookies, and baked goods and in the recipes, which include a large amount of vegetable fats.

40. Cooking popcorn

Do you love sweet popcorn? In this case, you may cook it on coconut oil instead of sunflower oil.

41. Greasing dishes

Use coconut oil to grease glassware before baking to avoid sticking of dishes to the walls.



42. Oral hygiene

Coconut oil whitens teeth, improves skin, detoxifies and kills germs, which is why it is used in Ayurveda practice, including oral hygiene. The recipe is simple: every day, keep two tablespoons of oil in the mouth for over 10 minutes, just as the usual liquid mouthwash.

43. Prevention of irritation

Coconut oil not only helps to avoid skin irritation and diaper rash, but also removes already diagnosed symptoms (redness, itching, and so on). Mix coconut oil with calendula and a soothing cream and apply the mixture on the affected skin area. Oil can also be added to the cream, if the baby is suffering from diaper rash.

44. Cough treatment

To get rid of a sore throat and to reduce coughing, take a little bit of coconut oil in its pure form or add it to tea.

45. Relaxation and stress relief

Coconut oil works well as aromatherapy. You can also take a bit of oil on the fingertips and massage the scalp and temples to relieve stress and relax.

46. ​​The fight against lice

This is another possible option of using coconut oil. The recipe is as follows: rinse the hair with a solution of apple cider vinegar and let it dry. After that, apply coconut oil on the hair, put on a protective cap and leave it there for 24 hours. Finally, comb your hair and wash it.

47. Treatment of herpes

Coconut oil has an antiviral effect; therefore, it will help to stop the development of herpes, if you apply it on the skin when you just feel any discomfort, tingling or a burning sensation.

48. Taking care of small wounds

Using coconut oil, you can also prevent the ingress of dirt and bacteria in the small cuts and scratches on the body by just applying a little oil on them. You will have a good barrier.

49. The treatment of bites

Coconut oil will reduce the itch from mosquito bites.

50. Treatment of yeast infections

Coconut oil is sometimes used as an aid in the treatment of yeast infections, if applied on site.

51. Cholesterol regulation

Due to the content of lauric acid, coconut oil can increase the level of “good” cholesterol, taking care of our heart and blood vessels.

52. Benefit for the stomach

Regular consumption of coconut oil is good for the stomach and often helps to combat major diseases (ulcers, Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome). Of course, it is necessary to consult a doctor before you use coconut oil as a medicine.

53. Reduction of the respiratory tract congestion

In order to facilitate breathing during colds, mix coconut oil with tea tree oil and rosemary oil and apply the mixture on the skin under the nose and on the chest.

54. Insect repellent

Coconut oil not only reduces itching after insect bites, but also can be used as insect repellent. To achieve this effect, mix coconut oil with an essential oil, such as mint, rosemary or tea tree.

55. Breast skin hydration in lactating mothers

To prevent skin drying and the appearance of cracks on the nipples, grease them with coconut oil.

56. Acceleration of metabolism

Coconut oil improves metabolism due to the presence of saturated fats in its composition, which are easily absorbed by the liver and used for energy, as well as for stimulating autologous fat burning.

57. Ear health

Coconut oil can be used to easily remove sulfur from ears. All you need is to dip a cotton ball in oil and quickly and gently clean the ear canal.

58. Benefit for the bones

Coconut oil improves the absorption of calcium and magnesium by the body, which are so necessary to our bones.

Do you use coconut oil in everyday life? Share your observations and recipes in the comments.

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