8 Signs You’re Healthy

It’s time to stop comparing yourself with others and worrying about not looking as attractive as Beyoncé in her “Lemonade” music video. It’s not body positive as such – it’s a simple idea that a healthy body and a calm mind are exactly what you need for a happy life. To avoid the anxiety that you still have not achieved the desired results in the gym, we offer you a small check-list that will prove you are already in great shape.

1. Your hair and nails look perfect

Healthy hair can be distinguished according to the three criteria: no split ends, healthy shine, and firmness. If the hair looks dry and lifeless, you’d better think about nutritional oils and vitamins instead of going to the stylist. Keeping the nails healthy is much more difficult, but if they do not break, do not split, and the nail plate is smooth and body-beige, you can be calm. This point is about you.

2. The whites of the eyes are not inflamed

Ideally, healthy eyes can be distinguished by the bright color of the whites, resembling an eggshell. Due to overexertion of the eyes, bright red capillaries may appear, and changes in the environment may cause inflammation. Other changes in color indicate problems with the internal organs, for example, with the liver. But do not forget about how your eyelids and the skin around your eyes look. Dryness, flaking and redness can be a symptom of an allergy or infection.

3. Your BMI is normal

The body mass index is a measure of the weight to height ratio, reflecting not only the amount of fat in the body, but also the risk of developing heart disease or diabetes. To stay healthy, it is important to control the level of BMI and keep it within 18.5 and 24.9 points. You can calculate your indicator by using a simple formula: BMI = body weight in kilograms / (height in meters x height in meters).

4. You have a balanced weight

Weight best reflects the state of health. It is important to keep a balance between height and weight and not just chase the figure of your dream. This also applies to the state of your spine, posture, and bone health. If you notice that you sometimes lose balance, you should pass the tests and find out if there are any problems with the spinal cord.

5. No problems with the kidneys and intestines

To make sure that your body is functioning normally, it is important to keep track of what is happening in the toilet. The ideal color of urine should be light yellow, and the stool should not be too liquid. A different appearance or a pungent smell may well be the signs of some problems with the kidneys or intestines.

6. You keep to your sleep pattern

You can easily fall asleep within 20 minutes after the head touches the pillow. On average, you spend 8 hours sleeping and do not wake up in the middle of the night with anxiety. If this is about you, you can put another tick: your sleep schedule is fine.

7. You are able to withstand a simple workout

To see if everything is fine with your body, it is enough to perform a 15-minute endurance training. Some researchers suggest trying a 10-minute aerobic session: 10 push-ups, a one-minute sprint, and 10 full burpees. If you can do all of this without the fear of cardiac arrest, you can try more advanced fitness.

8. Your blood pressure is normal

When the arterial system functions normally, all parts of the body receive oxygen in sufficient quantities. If you do not experience numbness, muscle cramps and headaches and do not need stimulants like coffee in the morning, most likely your blood pressure is normal. Another important indicator is the emotional state during the day. Mood swings, low concentration and fast fatigue indicate stress or problems with hormones.

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