Acupuncture Myths & Facts

Someone is ready to believe in any myths about acupuncture, thinking it can cure any pathology. Others, on the contrary, consider this method a fraud and see only potential harm in it. Can an acupuncture session replace a visit to a cosmetologist, relieve a child’s tics and back pain – or are they just myths? What mistakes should be avoided in the course of treatment? Read the article by

Myth 1: Acupuncture is a method with no evidence base

This is not true. There are various educational institutions where you can become an acupuncturist, such as the American Institute of Alternative Medicine (AIAM). The technique is included in the medical standards of rehabilitation treatment, for the restoration of mobility and sensitivity after fractures and strokes. Another proof is the centuries-old history of acupuncture. Are there many more treatments that have justified their existence over the centuries?

Myth 2: Acupuncture does not help, it is a placebo effect

The effectiveness of (any) treatment depends on several factors. The first is an individual approach. Acupuncture is no exception. Standard “recipes” cannot be applied here. Doctor’s skill is measured in their ability to diagnose, determine the nature of the disease and its stage, make a prescription (a combination of points of impact), choose a proper scheme in frequency, intensity, time of exposure for a particular patient, taking into account the functional state and body’s response to acupuncture.

The second is following the doctor’s recommendations. If you are assigned a course of 5-10 procedures, and you gave up the treatment earlier on your own initiative, then blame yourself. All efforts could be reduced to null if acupuncture was performed simultaneously with psychotropic, analgesic or hormonal (corticosteroid) medications. In order to avoid the undesirable effect, you should warn the doctor about taking the medication before starting the therapy. Besides, the patient’s psychological mood and their desire to recover is extremely important with any method of treatment.

Myth 3: Acupuncture can be harmful

Only when the procedure is performed by a charlatan. If you are offered a course by a person without a medical degree, you are at serious risk. Reflex therapist is first and foremost a doctor, and reflex therapy is an official medical specialty, obtained at medical departments. It has its indications and contraindications. Considering them, a qualified specialist will determine the feasibility of the procedure. The use of disposable needles completely eliminates the possibility of infection. The doctor is obliged to open the needle pack in front of the patient and dispose of it after the session.

Myth 4: It takes a long time and it hurts

Time is required for any treatment. One session takes 40-60 minutes. The duration of the course depends on your medical condition. The insertion of needles at some points is painful. Feelings can be different – pressure, tightness or a prick, but they pass quickly. The effect remains for a long time, because reflexology “forces” the body to recover on its own, triggering its reserve capabilities.

Basic facts

The stimulation of biologically active points with the help of needles regulates, stimulates and normalizes the functional state of the body, improves and increases the excitability and conductivity of peripheral nerves, produces an analgesic effect, influences the adaptation-trophic function and metabolic processes. This explains the wide range of its therapeutic effect. In some cases, needle treatment is the only possible way to help the patient.

Fact 1: Acupuncture treats tics in children

Competent acupuncture allows you to rid the child of local tics (twitching of the eye, a sniffing nose, twitching of the legs, shoulders, head, etc.) and even generalized ones (a combination of involuntary movements in different muscle groups). This is explained by the regulatory effect on the central and peripheral nervous system, as well as on the psycho-emotional state. Treatment can be carried out from the age of 10, preferably in combination with osteopathy.

Fact 2: Acupuncture and facial nerve neuritis

Acupuncture is irreplaceable for trigeminal neuralgia (severe pain in the face) and facial nerve neuropathy (when part of the face ceases to function properly, and it leads to face asymmetry – a condition that can occur on the background of a common cold). Unfortunately, medicines are useless in such situations. If you do nothing, you can stay with an asymmetric face for life. Acupuncture quickly relieves pain and swelling, improves blood circulation and metabolic processes in tissues, restores sensitivity, and activates the immune system.

Fact 3: Needles can relieve back pain in nursing mothers

Acupuncture is used to relieve pain in different parts of the spine in young mothers. Unfortunately, this phenomenon is widespread. Great load on the spine during pregnancy, after childbirth, frequent carrying of the baby, new awkward postures during bathing the baby provoke pain in the neck, back, limbs, which is almost impossible to get rid of. Medicines are contraindicated to nursing mothers, unlike acupuncture.

Fact 4: Needles will relieve stress and insomnia

Getting rid of stress, insomnia, and chronic fatigue is difficult – sometimes even a good vacation does not help. Painkillers relieve the symptoms, but they do not eliminate the problem.

These states are caused by a breakdown in the regulatory systems (central nervous system) and, as a consequence, an imbalance of the autonomic, endocrine, and cardiovascular systems. The body works to the point of exhaustion until all internal reserves are out, and then fatigue and apathy come. The therapeutic effect of needles is to restore the proper functioning of all body systems – first of all, regulatory ones.

Fact 5: Acupuncture will replace a visit to a cosmetologist

With the help of needles, you can really improve your complexion, remove puffiness, tighten the face oval, smooth wrinkles, tighten the corners of the mouth and upper eyelids, increase skin tone and elasticity.

Acupuncture mistakes:

  • Choosing a random person (often these are charlatans who work at home and have neither medical documents nor licenses for this type of activity). You should only trust a doctor with a medical degree, holding a certificate and license for this type of activity.
  • Not paying attention to the tools (needles) used by the acupuncture practitioner. Always ask what needles will be used
  • Expecting maximum effect after the first session. The effect develops gradually, although the first session often gives an improvement (especially in pain syndromes).
  • Giving up after a few sessions. The effect may be insufficient and unstable, and the original symptoms may return.
  • Combining reflex therapy with some medications.
  • Treating this method as a panacea for all diseases, ignoring other, often necessary methods of treatment. Before a course of reflex therapy, it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo an examination. Only then, if there are no contraindications, you can start the course, following all the doctor’s recommendations.

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