Edema Symptoms, Causes & Treatment


Your favorite shoes become tight in the evening, and in the morning you can not look at yourself in the mirror without tears? Edema is a common problem, which does not seem to be dangerous. However, doctors have a different opinion.

What Causes Edema?

As it is known, a human consists of approximately 70% water. About 2/3 of the total volume of fluid is within the cell; 1/3 is in the intercellular space. Increased water content is called edema. The reasons can be numerous, but in any case, it is a signal about the problems in the body. In addition, it is often a belated sign: excess fluid may reach several liters before the disease begins to manifest itself clinically. The disposition to edema is a serious reason to seek medical attention.

High Blood Pressure Leads to Swellings

Edema may be associated with increased blood pressure in the finest blood vessels – capillaries, and with a decrease in blood protein. Both of these factors lead to a blood pressure fall, and cause leg and face edema.

Consult a physician. Walking outdoors is an excellent prevention method. The more you move, the less the risk of edema is. Today you can enjoy the popular Nordic walking – it effectively trains the cardiovascular system. While walking with the poles, your pulse quickens 10-15 beats per minute.

Allergic Edema

Allergies make the tissue accumulate substances “sucking” the fluid out of the vessels. Allergic swelling may occur on all body parts. They become dense, accompanied by itching, redness, and sometimes rash.

Consult an allergist, who will prescribe an individual course of treatment. After all, it is important not only to remove the visible symptoms, but also to try to affect the root of the problem – allergies.

Varicose Veins Cause Edemas

Violation of blood flow can lead to increased pressure first in the major, and then in the minor veins. Swelling occurs because of the high capillary pressure, which promotes the release of fluid from the blood vessels into the tissue. Feet can swell asymmetrically, sometimes only one limb may be affected. Swelling becomes more severe after a long day on the move; it is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness, swelling of veins, foot redness, and pain.

See a phlebologist. As a preventive measure, you may try contrast douche. It strengthens vessels and prevents edema. Switch the water from cold to hot and vice versa for 5-6 times. Observe the basic rule of tempering: get used to the cold water gradually. Abandon high-heel shoes. If your feet swell from fatigue, try putting them up for at least 10-15 minutes during the day – it will promote fluid outflow. In addition, a warm bath with sea salt will be helpful (one tablespoon per liter of water).

Heart Failure & Swellings

This type of edema is associated with an excess volume of fluid lingering in the vessels of the systemic circulation. You may suffer from shortness of breath. As a rule, feet and ankles swell most of all. The skin in the area of ​​the heart swelling is pale bluish, stretched and cold.

Consult a cardiologist who will prescribe the necessary treatment. Physical exercise will be very helpful. Swimming is the best solution – this type of activity increases blood circulation and strengthens the vascular system. Finger and toe massage also helps.

Kidney Diseases & Edemas

Kidneys are unique in their structure and functions – they are entrusted with the mission to filter the blood and fluid excretion. The problems with the kidneys are revealed through soft “doughy” swellings mainly on the face in the morning (especially the eyelids) and hands. The cause of such edema is large protein loss with the urine or retention of sodium in the body – in this case, there is an increase in the circulating blood volume.

See a nephrologist. The doctor will prescribe medical tests, one of which is the estimation of protein loss per day. Do not take diuretics without a doctor’s prescription! This can trigger the development of severe complications.

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