Foods & Supplements Promoting Hair Growth

Many modern women are puzzled by the problem of too thin or weak hair, and sometimes baldness. We remind you of simple and affordable products (remedies, vitamins and food) that are beneficial for hair growth.

Why you might need hair growth products

The good news is that women are less affected by hair loss than men. For comparison, half of men in their 50s suffer from baldness. Half of women complain about the same, but already at 65!

The bad situation is usually the loss of curls, which is a complex problem, including genetics, hormone problems, age, stress, improper care. We cannot offer a solution to get rid of all these troubles, but we will try to fix the latter.

Vitamins for hair growth

  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin C;
  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • selenium;
  • beta carotene;
  • vitamins E and F.

Despite the fact that a large number of vitamin complexes and other products for hair growth in women are offered today, it is better to consult with a specialist (trichologist or immunologist) and, after passing the tests, determine which trace elements you lack (otherwise the problem may be caused by hormones, and this requires a completely different approach). Taking vitamins, which are already in excess, is also harmful to the body.

Ampoules and serums for hair growth in women

There are now many ampoules in pharmacies that promise luxurious hair. All you need to do is to apply them regularly and read the composition. Best of all, caffeine, vitamin B, panthenol, rosemary, wheat peptides and lysolecithin awaken dormant follicles to life.

Shampoos to enhance hair growth

As a rule, such products include citruses, caffeine, mint, pepper – all of which provide a cooling and invigorating effect. Therefore, it is better to wash your hair in the morning – such a procedure literally awakens the hair from hibernation.

Lightly massaging the hair roots is also beneficial for hair growth.

Another type of hair growth products is deep cleansing shampoos (sometimes called scalp shampoos): it is important to use them 1-2 times a week, they effectively relieve the scalp from local flaking (we are not talking about dandruff and seborrhea, but about the natural process of removing dead particles of the skin), remove street dirt (dust, small debris) and save hair from styling residues.

And if the skin is free from decay products, it is easier for new hairs to break through to life.

Hair growth oils

Oils are popular beauty products that accelerate hair growth. It is wrong to think that only with their help it is possible to correct the situation with hair loss, but oils can change the world in combination with a suitable shampoo, proper nutrition, consultation with a specialist. Major oil products include coconut and castor oils.

The first one penetrates the hair follicles and thus accelerates their growth. The second oil stops the loss of protein (and without it, the growth of curls is impossible). Many people are afraid of oils because of their texture: they can make clean hair dirty in a minute. Therefore, it is better to apply them at night or 20-30 minutes before showering (rub them in, massaging the scalp in circular motions) – do not be afraid, all the necessary substances will have enough time to be absorbed.

Hair growth foods

If you’re worried about hair growth, your menu should include vegetables and fruits high in iron (cabbage, pumpkin, pomegranates, apples), foods with omega-3 fatty acids (flax and chia seeds, walnuts, cheese, tofu, and legumes)…

What else (besides hair growth products) improves the situation

There are some more simple tips that will help prevent hair loss. For example, do not go out with wet hair and no hat during the cold season. It is harmful to the follicles.

Another important recommendation is to comb your hair, starting from the ends, then deal with tangled areas along the entire length and only then move on to the roots (we are talking about long hair, of course).

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