How to Prevent Kidney Stones?

Kidney stones are not a rare phenomenon. Most often, the treatment of kidney stones is performed without any surgery. However, the best treatment is prevention. How can you prevent the appearance of kidney stones?

1. Drink plenty of water

Most people suffer from kidney stones in summer. This is because they are sweating profusely and lose water from the body, producing a smaller amount of urine. With the decrease in the frequency of urination, minerals that cause the formation of kidney calculi are deposited in nephrons and in the urinary tract. When you drink enough fluid, these minerals are removed together with urine.

2. Eat reasonably

Oxalate (oxalic acid salt) is a substance that is present in many food products. It combines with calcium in the form of calcium oxalate crystals, resulting in the formation of kidney stones. Oxalate is present in products such as peanuts, cereal seeds, legumes, chocolate and even in such beverages as tea. Vegetables, such as spinach and beets, contain even more oxalates. Many people try to completely avoid eating foods containing calcium and oxalic acid. This is not the right approach. A clever way to avoid the formation of calcium oxalate crystals in kidneys is the simultaneous consumption of foods rich in calcium and oxalic acid. Oxalates and calcium will then get bound in the gastrointestinal tract and will not reach the kidneys. Thus, you will not suffer from kidney stones.

3. Eat dairy products every day

Studies show that having 3-4 servings of low-fat milk or yogurt a day can actually prevent the formation of kidney stones. Calcium contained in dairy products is linked in the digestive tract by oxalates from other foods that you eat.

4. Limit the consumption of seafood

Seafood dishes are rich in purine compounds. A high level of purine bases increases the level of uric acid in the blood and leads to the formation of uric acid stones in kidneys.

5. Reduce salt intake

Salt contains sodium. A diet high in sodium triggers an increase in calcium excretion in urine through kidneys. Calcium binds to oxalates, and this leads to the formation of kidney stones.

6. Maintain a healthy weight

Obesity is one of the risk factors for urolithiasis. If you are overweight, you are more likely to suffer from kidney stones. If you decide to lose weight, do it right with a balanced diet and regular exercise. Do not be fooled by miraculous diets and one-time large weight loss, which will deprive you of the necessary nutrients.

7. Learn about your risk when taking medication

The formation of kidney stones can be caused by the intake of certain medications, such as protease inhibitors, antibiotics, and diuretics. If you have had kidney stones in the past, talk with your doctor about this before he prescribes medications.

8. Do not hold urine for too long

Holding urine in the bladder for too long is one of the reasons for kidney stones. When you feel the urge to urinate, just go and do it. A long delay can cause accumulation of toxins and minerals that crystallize and turn into concrements over time. Do not drink less water to avoid frequent urination. This will not only add problems with the formation of kidney stones but will also increase the risk of urinary tract infections and other kidney diseases.

9. Avoid the abuse of alcohol and cigarettes

Alcohol and smoking are not direct causes of the formation of kidney stones, but they disrupt the metabolism, which affects the function of your kidneys. Especially if you have had kidney stones in the past, alcohol, and smoking can increase the risk of recurrence of concrements.

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