Reasons Fishing Is Healthy

Apparently, fishing makes you a better person. But does it, really? While it might have a non-existent impact on your character, it might shape you in terms of what you like and regarding your favorite pastimes. If you get hooked on fishing, you get hooked on spending time in the middle of nature. How could that ever be unhealthy?

As a sport, angling is preferred by approximately fifty million Americans, and about a third of the whole figure is proudly represented by women. We’ve put together a list of reasons you might have to consider if you’re having second thoughts about going angling every week or every other week.

It can keep you fit

Sure, angling might not be as challenging as hiking or some other activities, but the fact of the matter is that there are fishing locations that can be more or less remote. What this means is that you won’t be able to reach them by car, and so you’ll have to walk or hike there. On top of that, fishing might also involve biking or paddling, in some cases.

Even if you don’t get a lot of exercise done when you fish, the fact is that your body will be able to accumulate an amount of vitamin D that is essential to your well-being. Vitamin D is both good for your brain and has been found to be linked with a normal/lower appetite, so maybe you won’t crave carbs that much after going fishing.

Eat what you catch

While it might sound a bit primitive, especially for those who are vegans or vegetarians, the truth is that there’s nothing more natural than hunting or fishing. Our ancestors used to do it and so why shouldn’t we?

Aside from the satisfaction that you’ll have that you yourself have put that food on your plate, it’s the simplest method of avoiding spending money on a healthy protein source. And let’s face it, meat and fish are anything but cheap at any store.

It teaches you to be part of a community

It’s pretty obvious that if you go fishing with the rest of your family, you are part of a tight community already. But even if you consider yourself a loner or just plain antisocial, you might find that anglers are very friendly and forthcoming when it comes to offering advice on choosing the right equipment, how to reel in a particular species, or whatever else that might come to mind.

Even if you do prefer going fishing by yourself, you might have to use the power of the Internet and what many fishing forums (or Reddit or Quora) can offer you. And that’s even truer if you want to make sure that you’re capable of finding a good pole and reel.

It reduces stress and decreases PTSD symptoms

If you focus on just one activity, so, therefore, just on fishing, you’ll be able to finally leave your problems where they belong — out of your head. Besides, a 2009 study showed that fishing is able to lower common PTSD symptoms and increase sufferers’ mood at least for some time.

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