Are Veneers, Teeth Whitening & Tooth Gems Harmful?

For many of us, TV and movie stars, popular bloggers have become a reference point in the issue of trends in clothing, cosmetics, and even a smile. Today, almost every other celebrity has veneers, making their teeth perfectly smooth and snow-white. But what looks spectacular on the screen, may not be entirely appropriate in real life. In addition, such aesthetic procedures have a number of contraindications.


Absolutely even, symmetrical and very white teeth are popular today. To achieve this effect in the shortest possible time, veneers are used. Very often, they mask the whole row of front teeth. Unfortunately, most do not take into account all the pitfalls of this procedure.

Our tooth has two layers of hard tissue: enamel and dentin. Veneer is a thin, most often, ceramic patch plate. To secure it on your native teeth, you need to remove the top layer of enamel, which, of course, does not add to their reliability. It is important to understand that veneers will not last for a lifetime: on average, they are recommended to be updated or completely redone every seven years. If you don’t give up veneers at all, you won’t be able to: your teeth simply cannot function without the damaged hard tissue.

In addition, there are a number of contraindications. So, do not install veneers in case of bite violations: they simply cannot withstand the load and begin to split off. Similar consequences await people suffering from bruxism (gnashing of teeth) or clenching (involuntary strong compression of teeth). As a rule, people with the wrong bite can get orthodontic treatment (before installing veneers, of course). Later, it will be very difficult to cope with these diseases. Absolute contraindications include various infectious lesions of the oral cavity, such as cysts, periodontitis, granulomas.

You should also understand that saving will not work here, otherwise you can drive yourself into a hopeless situation. Savings are almost always at the expense of quality, and not only in dentistry. It is impossible for an ordinary patient to assess the extent of this damage independently. But the cost of rework will be high, and in the end, you will pay at least twice as much.

Of course, there are situations where the installation of veneers is justified, but in this case, we are talking about one or more plates. For example, when a particular tooth has cracks and small caries processes. The seal will be less smooth and reliable, and the installation of a crown is impractical because it implies cutting down most of a quite good tooth. A veneer will be the best solution here.


Whitening is not a procedure that can make your teeth stronger. When you have a completely healthy oral cavity and good enamel, the technology is chosen correctly, and the work is carried out by an experienced specialist, the procedure will not harm you. But if you ignore some things, it can also have a negative effect.

The main contraindications to whitening are infectious processes in the oral cavity. If they are active, you should not begin aesthetic procedures. You will not get the expected result, but you can still harm your teeth. For example, if there are problems with hard tooth tissues, whitening can damage the internal structures of the tooth, and this is much more serious.

If your teeth are healthy, but there is a reaction to cold and hot, this indirectly indicates their increased sensitivity. In this case, the patient is not recommended whitening, as this can only aggravate the situation. In the case of congenital pathologies of enamel, this procedure is also highly undesirable.

Again, you need to understand that high-quality whitening is not cheap. One visit to the dentist will not be enough: to get the desired result, the procedure will have to be repeated several times. In addition, the cost of materials is overestimated by suppliers, since whitening does not fall into the category of mandatory medical services. So you can whiten your teeth for $50. If the clinic offers such a service cheaply, it means either fewer materials are used or some stages of the procedure are skipped.

There is a huge amount of whitening agents that can be used at home by yourself: toothpaste, plates, varnishes, etc. If you are ready to take all the responsibility, you can try this option. But in case of any complications, you will not receive any compensation. Therefore, if you need whitening, you should go to a dentist, who will deliver a guaranteed result.

Decorations on the teeth

The fashion for rhinestones, twinkles and precious gems in the teeth has already passed, giving way to veneers. However, this service is still offered in some clinics. As in the previous procedures, the installation of rhinestones has a number of contraindications: tooth sensitivity, the presence of tartar, infectious diseases, enamel pathology, and bite disorders.

In some cases, these seemingly innocuous decorations can cause serious discomfort, in others, they simply will not stay in their place. Most importantly, you need to clearly understand that fashion is changeable, but nature gives healthy teeth only once. Therefore, before deciding on any aesthetic experiments, it is worth consulting with a specialist and weighing all the pros and cons in your particular case. Otherwise, instead of the smile, you have dreamed of, you may face disappointment and a lot of problems

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