10 Most Unbelievable Medical Facts Ever


Sometimes human imagination and creativity can be outshined since the most shocking events can take place in real life as well. It may be hard to believe, but these cases are medical facts.

  1. The highest body temperature was recorded at Willie Jones of Atlanta, Georgia, in 1980. The temperature, measured when taking her to hospital, reached 46.5°C. The patient was discharged home after 24 days.
  2. The lowest human body temperature was recorded at 2-year-old Carly Kozolofski on February 23, 1994, in Regina, province Saskatchewan, Canada. After she had happened to be locked out, the girl remained in the cold at a temperature of -22°C for 6 hours. Her temperature dropped to 14.2°C.
  3. The stomach of a 42-year-old woman, suffering from compulsive ingestion of objects, was found to contain 2,533 foreign bodies, including 947 safety pins. At the same time, the woman complained of “mild pain in the abdomen.”
  4. The heaviest object ever removed from the human stomach was a hair ball, weighing 2.35 kg. There is a disease, when patients eat hair…
  5. The largest number of pills was taken by K. Kilner from Zimbabwe. Over the period of 21 years, he received 565,939 pills.
  6. Samuel Davidson from the UK received most injections ever. Over his lifetime, the patient had at least 78,900 insulin injections.
  7. Charles Jensen from the United States endured most surgeries ever. During the period from 1954 to 1994, he underwent 970 surgeries to remove tumors.
  8. The longest surgery ever was aimed at removing an ovarian cyst. It lasted 96 hours. After the surgery, the patient’s weight dropped from 280 to 140 kg.
  9. The longest cardiac arrest was experienced by fisherman Jan Revsdal from Norway. After he had fallen overboard near Bergen in December, his body temperature dropped to 24°C and his heart stopped for 4 hours. He recovered after a connection to a heart-lung machine.
  10. The biggest overload had been experienced by driver David Purley in July, 1977. There happened an accident during the race, when Purley had to endure a decrease in speed from 173 km/h to zero on the track segment only 66 cm long. He had 29 fractures and 3 dislocations, and his heart stopped six times.

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