Australian Doctors Bring Dead Woman Back to Life

The heart of a 41-year-old resident of the state of Victoria stopped beating for 42 minutes. Vanessa Tanasio suffered two heart attacks, one at home and the second at hospital. Despite the fact that all the apparatuses showed the woman’s clinical death, the doctors continued their work, bringing the mother of two children back from the dead.

Tanasio was taken to the hospital on August 12. She was hospitalized after she had sent her children to school. It was Vanessa’s mother who called an emergency, and when the doctors arrived to bring the patient back to life, they had to use an electric shock.

In the clinic, while being on the operating table, Tanasio suffered a second heart attack. The apparatus showed nothing but zero, but the doctors did not become discouraged. They tried to save the woman in a state of clinical death with the help of the intensive care unit LUCAS 2. During the surgery, it provided the patient’s brain and all other vital organs with blood, saturated with oxygen.

Having used coronagraph, the physicians realized that one of Vanessa’s major arteries was blocked. They cleaned it and provided it with a stent. Then, the woman’s heart began to beat on its own.

The patient regained consciousness after two days. She could not speak at that moment, but as soon as she was given a pen and paper she wrote the word “children”. Tanasio calmed down only when she was told that her family members were all right.

Later, Vanessa explained that apparently the time had not come yet for her to leave. She is the only one to take care of the children and her mother, who survived the death of her son and husband. The woman promised to quit smoking not to try her luck again.

For your information:
Since the LUCAS 2 system is very expensive (it costs 15,000 dollars), only one hospital in Australia has it. The equipment was purchased at the philanthropists’ expense. According to the employees of the medical institution, this device has been tested before, but the case with Vanessa was the most successful one.

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