5 Diseases More and More Young People Suffer from


Medical statistics show the diseases the older generation previously used to suffer from have been increasingly diagnosed in younger patients in recent years. WHO experts have compiled a list of “age” diseases, disseminated among people at the age, which is considered the strongest and most suitable for working.

Experts explain that in the past people became victims of serious infections and had no drugs to treat them – but now many diseases arise from a certain way of life. One of the characteristic features is people’s lack of motion. Together with the unhealthy diet, it leads to many modern diseases.

The list of much “rejuvenated” diseases includes such ailments as

  1. osteochondrosis of the spine: earlier it was considered to develop in people over 40, but now it is found even in children and adolescents, and increasingly – in people under 30 years;
  2. osteoporosis: previously, it was the disease of elderly people, but today people over 35 years and postmenopausal women face the high risk of getting it;
  3. cardiovascular diseases (atherosclerosis, hypertension, stroke, heart attack) also emerge from the older age category: for example, every tenth person aged 20-39 years suffers from hypertension today, as well as every second person in the age of 50-59 years;
  4. melanoma (an aggressive form of skin cancer) is increasingly affecting children and adolescents in recent years, which, according to doctors, is associated with prolonged sun exposure and frequent visits to tanning salons;
  5. gout (excruciatingly painful inflammation of the joints) used to be considered a rare disease, occurring mainly in men at the age of 40-60 years, but in recent decades it increasingly affects women and young people.

Almost all of these diseases are associated with such disorders as obesity, alcohol and cigarettes, sedentary activities and meals with excess fat and processed meats. According to doctors, not all of these diseases can be completely prevented because they also include the factor of heredity. However, experts believe that controlling the lifestyle can delay the appearance of the disease and help avoid its severe form.

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