Dry Drowning & Secondary Drowning Causes & Treatment


Almost no one knows about the phenomenon of the so-called “dry drowning”. However, for many people it is really dangerous. And especially for those who go to the seaside for a vacation.

“Dry drowning” is a phenomenon, when the people saved from drowning in water and brought to land, seem to come back to life with the help of resuscitation, but they still “get drowned” in a few hours, already being away from water. This is due to the fact that they inhale water during the initial drowning, which causes reflex respiratory paralysis. The lungs still contain a small amount of water, which inhibits their operation and stops the heart.

In rare cases, “dry drowning” can happen within 48 hours after “wet drowning”, so experts warn that the best way to prevent this is compliance with the rules of recreation on water – which means it is better not to sink at all. The research shows that a person can die drowned within a few hours because of the penetration of water into the lungs. This may happen after the person has long been on the land, leaving an impression of a completely healthy man.

That is why swimmers, who have been brought back to life by artificial respiration, need to consult a doctor during the next 5-8 hours, and in some cases up to 48 hours after resuscitation. “Dry drowning” can occur quite suddenly, although there are some signs that should be closely monitored. These include some difficulty in breathing as well as chest pain. Fortunately, “dry drowning” is an extremely rare event.

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