Flowers Beneficial for Brain Health


Chinese scientists have proved: daffodils, lavender, saffron crocus, and snowdrops have a positive effect on brain activity.

For example, snowdrops can improve brain function in Alzheimer’s disease. A snowdrop contains galanthamine, through which information is transmitted from the neurons more actively, which in turn has a positive effect on cognitive functions. Daffodils also contain galantamine, and now scientists are considering the use of these two plants for cancer treatment. But Australian scientists from the University of Sydney found a positive effect of saffron not only on Alzheimer’s disease patients, but also on the elasticity of eye cell bodies. By itself, this fact is very important for aged people who lose visual acuity.

A substance contained in the crocus is called colchicine. This substance has anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Lavender also has soothing properties and helps with anxiety, nervous tension and insomnia.

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