Humans to Get Super Vision

A group of Canadian developers from Ocumetics Technology Corporation is testing a unique bionic lens. If the tests are successful, in the future it will help not only restore lost vision, but also improve good normal vision, letting the humanity enjoy one of superpowers

The novelty is inserted into the eye during a standard surgery on cataract and reduces the load on the muscles of the eye by a hundred times. Due to this, the patient acquires the ability to better focus on the studied object without fatigue, studying the objects that are inaccessible to the naked eye.

Unfortunately, the development cannot cure color blindness and corneal opacity. Besides, it cannot restore the functionality of the optic nerve. At the same time, it is able to help “deliver” medicines more efficiently, stopping the development of destructive processes in the organs of vision.

The cost of the lens itself is $3,200 per piece (not a pair), and the cost of the surgery is not included.

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