Liquid Silk to Substitute Skin Glue & Stitches

As you know, when stitching wounds, the surgeon uses a standard set of tools: a thread with a needle, medical glue, and staples. There is nothing superfluous. All tools have earned credibility and trust, but this technique is considered outdated today. The scientists from the University of Arizona have offered an alternative – a sealant made from the silk solution with gold particles. It can close the wound by heating it with a laser.

Many may still prefer the old and familiar instruments, but it is worth noting that they are not always sterile, which means they can carry the infection. You can’t really say anything against medical glue, its sterility is always superb, but it can be toxic. Besides, a thick layer of glue prevents the appearance of living cells in a natural way.

Arizona scientists used a bio-soluble solution of silk thread, obtained from silkworm cocoons, mixed with gold particles. Why do sealants need to be irradiated? The point is that in a cold state they are inert. Laser is used to heat the substance. Metal nanofragments are heated and come into action, combining with the living tissues.

Researchers have conducted experiments and found that the sealant is seven times stronger than the medical glue or the surgical thread. The substance does not cause any negative reaction. At the moment, the sealant has been developed for external wounds and for surgeries on internal organs. However, the cost of the material itself and the procedure is not reported yet.

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