Loans Harm Your Health

The scientists from the Northwestern University, USA, warn that debts not only destroy the human psyche, but also lead to the development of serious diseases. Health problems can occur even in young people.

The researchers conducted a large-scale survey among American students. The survey involved 8,400 young people aged 24 to 32 years, many of whom were forced to take a credit for their studies. 20% of them admitted that they had problems with the payment of their debt. They reported that they would not be able to repay the loan, even if they sold everything or took a mortgage secured by all the property they had.

Diastolic blood pressure rose in the students with high debt levels by 1.3%, on average, which increased the likelihood of hypertension by 17% and stroke by 15%. In addition, those who could not make the next payment on time sank into depression and even had suicidal thoughts.

According to the scientists, a small amount of debt caused less grave health problems in young Americans. They treated the “bondage” they had more or less calmly.

A relevant fact:

The scientists from the College of Arts and Sciences at IU Bloomington found that loans prevented young people from communicating with their peers. While those who did not take a loan from the bank met and entertained, the borrowers studied hard and could not afford relaxing. However, after graduating, these people usually got a more profitable job.

What is important when borrowing money?

Psychologists have explained who cannot take loans. There are people for whom this service is contraindicated because they are so easy-minded that they are simply doomed to debts.

Those at risk include:

  1. Shopaholics, who buy unnecessary things for the sake of the buying process.
  2. The people who live in grand style and theoretically have enough money to pay the loan, but due to frequent visits to concerts, restaurants, and so on the money disappears almost instantaneously.
  3. Infantile personalities, who buy expensive prestigious things for the sake of raising their social status.

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