Perfect drug for treating cavities and building up teeth

Scientists have discovered a new application for a drug for Alzheimer’s disease – in the sphere of dentistry, where it seems to be able to work wonders!

When a drug that was used to alleviate the condition of Alzheimer’s sufferers has undergone further research, it turned out that it makes an incredible substitution for cavity fillings. Tideglusib produces a strong stimulating influence on teeth pulp cells that can even get teeth to naturally regrow themselves.

One of the drastic changes Tideglusib can effect in dentistry is a complete elimination of cavity fillings! The tooth begins to sort of stop its own cavities by itself, due to the drug’s work. While as the tooth is decaying, its dentine (mineralized substance underlying the enamel) wears thin and finally vanishes, Tideglusib can help generate fresh layers of dentine.

Actually, teeth can build up dentine on their own, naturally, but not all the time. For the tooth to start replenishing its dentine layer it needs to have the pulp exposed, like resulting from a trauma or an infection leading to decay. Then the restoring process begins, but it doesn’t go on very actively – it’s hard for the tooth to grow a really thick layer quickly enough so it can stop cavities, especially if they go deep in. There is the GSK-3 enzyme that acts as an inhibiting agent, and what Tideglusib does is curb its hindrance, enabling the tooth to grow much more dentine.

The research team filled some cavities with tiny biodegradable collagen sponges with a liberal amount of Tideglusib; dentine began to develop rapidly, and the cavities got stopped completely in a matter of six weeks. The sponges got dissolved, and there was only the normal tooth left.

What is a bit disconcerting is that so far the process has been tested only on mice. But according to what was told to The Telegraph by Professor Paul Sharpe of King’s College London Dental Institute, the drug tested for Alzheimer’s disease has a fair chance of taking its place in dental treatment in a very short time. The professor went on to underscore the simplicity of its use that makes Tideglusib a perfect clinical dental treatment for cavities which works both ways rebuilding dentine and strengthening pulp protection at the same time.

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