Saffron & Ginseng Are Best Aphrodisiacs

The effect of most aphrodisiac products is a myth, but some of them really work. First of all, ginseng and saffron, according to a study by the University of Guelph (Canada). Today it is the most detailed and evidence-based work on the subject.

Canadian scientists say: compared with pills against erectile dysfunction, natural aphrodisiacs are, of course, less powerful, but do not have side effects. In addition, the pills are purely “technical”, but aphrodisiacs increase libido, allowing to get more pleasure from sex.

In addition to ginseng and saffron, scientists have confirmed the positive effect of several exotic plants (muira puama, growing in Brazil, and maca root native to the Andes). Yohimbine – a substance extracted from the African yohimbe tree – can increase libido

Chocolate does not increase the arousal and or give a more intense feeling of satisfaction, but it contributes to the production of serotonin-like “fun substances” in the brain. So, it really helps to relax and tune in to the romantic mood. Alcohol increases the libido, but it reduces potency, so it cannot be considered an aphrodisiac.

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