Sun Tanning Kills More Often Than Car Accidents


Scientists have found that sunbathing is more dangerous to human health than cars. It was found that skin cancer is now killing more people than all sorts of road accidents.

In 2012, the death rate from skin cancer was by 25% higher in the UK than the death rate from car accidents, as the statistics shows. A similar trend can be seen in other countries. This skin cancer kills more women than men because women have a much more powerful craving for suntan.

Dramatic increase in the popularity of tanning salons, year-round trips to overseas resorts and warm seas, as well as the neglect of sunscreens are the main causes of permanent increase in mortality from skin cancer. Although it is one of the most benign varieties of tumors with a very high recovery rate, sometimes skin cancer can turn into melanoma. This disease is very aggressive and is characterized by much worse predictions.

Statistics shows that in some countries the death rate from skin cancer is way ahead of the death rate from car accidents. In the UK, the difference is 25%, whereas in Spain it is 35%, 40% in Ireland, and 71% in Australia. In the US and Canada, the number of victims of car accidents still outnumbers the deaths from skin cancer considerably – by 72% and 51% respectively. This may be due to other factors, such as age when it is allowed to drive a car.

In any case, we keep saying for the umpteenth time – do not abuse sun tanning.

By the way, the most deadly type of skin cancer, malignant melanoma, does not necessarily appear directly on the skin. Sometimes it also appears in the eyes.

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