Texas Bacteria to Become the Next Global Epidemic?


Scientists have discovered a microorganism in Texas that is capable of spreading over long distances. Today, there is no vaccine against the bacterium, so its spread can lead to epidemic in the world.

So far, the virus has infected only animals that are bred on Texas farms. Earlier, people could catch the infection only through meat or water, but now the situation has changed dramatically. The superbug develops, and today it is transmitted by airborne droplets; besides it is able to withstand the effects of antibiotics.

By examining these wind-borne microorganisms, the scientists have come to the conclusion that once the microorganisms are settled, they transfer their resistance to antibiotics to other bacteria. This will cause the rapid spread of various diseases in humans and animals.

We do not know which side this contaminated dust may be brought from. According to professor of environmental toxicology at Texas Tech University Phil Smith, this is the first test that opened our eyes to the fact that the air we breathe may probably contain dangerous bacteria.

The scientists believe that the massive use of antibiotics in animal breeding is the reason for such mutations in bacteria. About 70% of all known drugs are used on livestock. The White House has recently announced a radical plan to combat dangerous superbugs. Authorities have urged farmers to limit the use of antibiotics in raising animals for food.

Currently, experts are collecting analyzes on farms. They want to investigate the bacteria in detail to develop the plan of action in case of an outbreak. Scientists fear that by 2050 the inability to cope with drug-resistant viruses will lead to 10 million human deaths per year.

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