The World Faces Poliomyelitis Epidemic


WHO experts believe the spread of the disease is “an emergency of global significance.” The outbreak of a viral disease has been given this status for the second time (the first time it was the swine flu pandemic in 2009).

According to the head of WHO Margaret Chan, polio is widespread in Pakistan, Cameroon and Syria, and their refugees carry the disease to neighboring countries. As a result, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey are “at risk” since they receive the main flow of immigrants. There is an unfavorable situation in Afghanistan, Iraq, Nigeria, Somalia, Equatorial Guinea and Ethiopia. The situation is very bad for physicians because in some countries polio was almost defeated, and now the doctors will have to start all over again.

The spread of the viral disease undermines nearly thirty years of hard work to eradicate it. The experts are forced to recognize that a new outbreak of the disease requires international participation.
The staff of the World Health Organization is calling for rapid vaccination of the population living for more than four weeks in the countries where polio is spreading.

All those wishing to leave for a “prosperous” state must first be vaccinated, after which they will be given a certificate. Without it, the travelers, refugees and tourists will not be released abroad.

Polio spreads via contaminated food and water. It invades the nervous system, leading to irreversible paralysis or causing death within hours after infection. It is children up to five years who are exposed to this disease most often.

The only way to protect yourself against this disease once and forever is to get vaccinated.

WHO experts predicted the polio epidemic in Pakistan last year. However, the Islamic Taliban movement that came to power forbade the locals to vaccinate children, saying they will not allow foreign spies to eradicate the nation.

After the volunteers had been shot by extremists a few times, the staff of the World Health Organization had to complete the anti-poliomyelitis campaign.

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