Your Inner Clock Depends on Your Liver

A study conducted by Professor Chris Liddle from the Westmead Millennium Institute for Medical Research has shown that the liver controls our biorhythms.

In fact, there are receptors in the liver to regulate fat metabolism, energy transfer, and the production of hormones that affect the sleep, appetite and alertness. Failure of circadian rhythms provokes the development of obesity, diabetes and other metabolic disorders. Since the receptors in the liver “tune in” the internal clock, they can be used to influence circadian rhythms. This mechanism can be used to treat biorhythmic disorders.

Previously, scientists had demonstrated the role of the biological clock in the regenerative capacity of skin stem cells. Violation of this rhythm, as the study found, leads to premature aging of tissues, increased risk of skin tumors. Meanwhile, a correct and timely recovery of the biological clock increases the long-term regenerative capacity of the tissue and reduces the likelihood of tumors.

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