7 Thinning Hair Treatments


Hair may begin to thin from a relatively young age; this situation is pretty embarrassing and even frightening, emerging as a result of a stressful period in life or a symptom of health problems. Thinning hair is not an issue to be ignored or worried about, because further stress can make you lose yet more hair. Instead go through several tips how to deal with the situation, discover the reason for hair loss, and try to restore your beauty.

1. Get more protein

Diet is often the reason behind thinning hair, so first of all consider your meals. Are they low on protein, minerals or vitamins? The lack of all these can affect your hair pretty badly. First of all see to it that you are getting enough protein that is important for having healthy hair. It is because hair consists of collagen fibers which in their turn consist of easily absorbable protein. Therefore it is essential to make sure your diet includes plenty of fish and eggs, the best source of easy-to-absorb protein. Greek yogurt and raw whey protein from grass fed cows ought to be tried as a stronger treatment. Meat is not so advisable in this case as it is harder to digest.

Vegans can have to dig deeper for sources of easily absorbable protein. Beans and grains may not serve so well, their best bet would be sprouted brown rice protein, pea protein, hemp, and chia which are wonderful plant protein sources. Lactose intolerant individuals should not rely on vegan yogurt for non-dairy milk and yogurt go without protein; another vegan source will have to be looked for.

2. Go for B vitamins

Hair also needs a lot of B vitamins for proper nutrition and as a preventive measure from thinning. B vitamins are best found in eggs, chicken, fish, avocados, nuts, seeds, and butters made from them, organic Greek yogurt, and whole grains. Try oats for good result, and there are gluten-free oats for those who are gluten-intolerant. One of the most useful vitamins for the hair is biotin, and you will be well-advised to take biotin supplements in addition to B vitamins-loaded food. It is a good measure against hair thinning and breaking.

3. Rely on fat

Naturally, you shouldn’t stuff yourself with fatty food every day of your life, but wholesome fats are good for your health – and for your hair! If you take enough “good” fats, your hair will remain strong and shiny; what’s more, fats are important for proper absorption of minerals and vitamins. Healthy food is just no good if you lack fats to assist absorption. You should have some fats with your every meal. The best fat for a nice weight-skin-hair balance are raw nuts and seeds, as well as nut and seed butters, coconut oil, unsweetened coconut, avocados, hemp and olive oil, salmon and other kinds of fatty fish.

4. Undergo a checkup

As soon as you have arranged to take more hair-health foods, you’d do well to go and consult a doctor for a thorough checkup: the hair condition may be an early indication of some health issues. If you are in a good condition your hair will be getting back to normal once you’ve gotten a fair amount of fats and vitamins, but if it is not producing the desired results, it may well be up to the general state of health, so make sure you undergo tests and checkups to learn about what’s going on in your body.

5. Relieve stress

Stress is one of hair threats, and not the mildest one, too. When stress has built up, it begins to affect the adrenal glands, and the cortisol level in the body starts to grow. The process leads to breaking down the proteins and vitamins, and the hair reacts. It’s a grave condition that is difficult to reverse. So take care to relax in the evening. Walks, physical exercises, massages, relaxed meals, hot showers all serve to bring the stress down. You may feel better after having just a little time alone in silence. Some supplements containing magnesium and calcium, and a B vitamin complex, help to curb stress too.

6. Consider the way you treat your hair

How are you handling your hair when styling it? Especially when it is wet? Check that you don’t pull at it as you are combing and brushing it, because your hair is more vulnerable when it is wet. If you habitually tag at it, thinning may result. Take care you untangle your wet hair gently, and dry your hair as soon as possible, probably let it air-dry so as to avoid unnecessary tagging. It may be a turning point in your hair’s health and strength.

7. Keep yourself well up on antioxidants

Even if you get plenty of wholesome fats and proteins, go over your food to see if you are receiving a sufficient amount of antioxidants – which is also important for your hair health. You can get rich on antioxidants by eating more sweet potatoes, carrots, certain kinds of berries like blueberries, blackberries, acai and goji berries, spinach and other fresh herbs, red bell peppers. All of them are high on beta-carotene (vitamin A) and most of them on vitamin C, salubrious antioxidants that are good for your skin and hair. Berries are a source of anthocyanins, one of the most antioxidant rich compounds there are. Once you’ve got enough antioxidant rich food you will notice changes to your skin, hair, nails – and it will be a great energy boost as well!

Beside ensuring your hair’s health you will also do much good to your whole body and spirits, all the better reason for going through these tips even if your hair is not suffering.

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