How to Treat Keratosis Pilaris


Keratosis pilaris is not a rare condition. Many women suffer from this skin defect. What is this? Should you hurry to the dermatologist or is it possible to get rid of the nasty skin bumps at home?

What are skin bumps

Scientifically, it is called keratosis pilaris. Is a skin condition that is manifested by the appearance of rough bumps on the skin. Such bumps most often appear on the hands, thighs, sometimes on the cheeks and neck, etc.

Keratosis pilaris does not look very nice. However, women are more likely to exaggerate this condition, while men rarely pay attention to it, and this flaw does not prevent women from remaining elegant and wanted. Still, they would like to know how to treat keratosis pilaris.

Skin bumps occur when dead cells and skin proteins (keratin) accumulate and block hair follicles, causing these tiny red or white bumps. These bumps, though unpleasant, are absolutely harmless, so you should not worry.

Why does keratosis pilaris develop?

Dermatologists claim that the main reason is genetics. In most cases, keratosis pilaris is acquired in the first decade of life, so you can often hear that a person has had it since he or she was a kid. It can be true, though, most likely, it did not develop right after the birth.

However, there is good news. In most cases, skin bumps disappear with age. This process begins at about 30, and is completed by 40-45. Of course, young girls want to be beautiful “here and now”, so we offer them a number of ways to treat keratosis pilaris.


Sometimes keratosis pilaris is confused with other skin diseases. Therefore, before you start treatment, it is necessary to set a proper diagnosis. Skin bumps can be recognized according to the following main features:

This skin condition does not cause soreness or itching;
It does not change throughout the year and persists since childhood.

Keratosis pilaris is sometimes confused with contact dermatitis, skin rashes, and allergic reactions. However, skin bumps do not change or disappear. If they do, you are faced with some other skin disease.


The main question that girls are interested in is: can keratosis pilaris be treated? Dermatologists say that proper skin care can greatly reduce this skin flaw and in some cases completely eliminate it.

1. Peeling

Regular exfoliation is highly recommended. Peeling should combine physical exfoliants (scrubs) and chemical ones (any product that contains glycolic acid). Such a serious approach smoothes even the driest and roughest skin and eliminates skin bumps.

2. Massage

Do it every time you take a shower. Squeeze some shower gel on a sponge and massage the area with skin bumps in a circular motion for 2 minutes. After the shower, apply a peeling serum that contains a good concentration of glycolic acid (20%). Only then, apply your favorite moisturizing body lotion. Repeat the process every day, and very soon you will get a smoother, more radiant skin, instead of rough skin bumps.

3. Avoid salicylic acid

You should check all your gels and scrubs. They should not contain any ingredients causing skin dryness. Typically, products designed for acne treatment contain salicylic acid, which exfoliates deeply into the pores. However, it will only further enhance the growth of tubercles, causing more skin bumps, because dead cells accumulate and grow.

4. Avoid soap

We are talking about ordinary soap, which dries the skin. Baby soap or cream-based soap is allowed. Generally, it is best to remove all detergents that foam well.

5. Sun, sea and water are your best friends

This slogan is appropriate if you want to get rid of keratosis pilaris. Seawater, swimming, sand and moist air are good for the skin, stimulating its renewal. However, you have to be careful with the sun. It is better to sunbathe in the morning. Many women say that a trip to the seaside helped them cope with skin bumps. A tanning bed also gives good results, but it is better to sunbathe naturally in summer.

And this too shall pass

As we have already mentioned, skin bumps are not a problem for the rest of your life. They come off with age, starting from 30. However, regular exfoliation and skin care can help you improve the condition; though you might not get rid of it completely until age-related changes begin. Remember: once you stop treating keratosis pilaris, it appears again.

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