5 Natural Ways to Improve Female Libido

No matter how good we can be, the bed is the place where we all would like to fare better. That’s why it was a great piece of news in the summer of 2015...

14 Healthy Nutrition Tips That Do Work

Naturally, it is very hard to eat healthy foods while studying. However, there are some tips, which you should follow, in order not to ruin your body. For starters, it is worth remembering that...

6 Ways to Overcome Fatigue & Maintain Your Mental Health

In the bustling modern world, full of constant stress, people find it hard to maintain physical and mental health. Daily routine, a job, household chores, and traffic jams all cause stress and require finding...

6 New Health Indexes You Have to Know

Many traditional health criteria have become outdated. We measure BMI and count how many glasses of water we drink per day. But is it right to do so? 1. Do you get enough water? Old index:...

10 Ways to Avoid Cold & Flu

Winter is becoming more and more "Winterlike": cold, windy and wet. In other words, it is a perfect environment for flu, infections and other unpleasant things. Hardly anyone of us wants to be running...

What Lives in Your Carpets?

Carpets create warmth and coziness in your apartment, but when choosing a carpet be prepared to take proper care of it. The usual cleaning with a vacuum cleaner (even if you do it every...

Anemia Causes & Diet

Anemia is a disease characterized by a decrease in red blood cells, hemoglobin, blood respiratory function and the development of tissue hypo-oxygenation. Most commonly, anemia is a symptom of another disease. Anemia Types: Iron-deficiency anemia...

10 Reasons to Avoid Watching TV

In the past few decades, watching TV has become one of the most popular ways of spending leisure time. However, researchers have found that it has a number of harmful effects on people and...

Why Are You Always Tired?

Coach and scientist James Clear summed up everything that the science knows about the nature of sleep and gave recommendations on how to sleep better and be more energetic. On February 13, 1972, Michel Siffre...

10 Great Ways of Using Aspirin around the House

Would you ever guess that aspirin can be used not only to relieve the pain? This drug that can be bought without a prescription at any pharmacy has some amazing properties, which many people...