14 Healthy Nutrition Tips That Do Work

Naturally, it is very hard to eat healthy foods while studying. However, there are some tips, which you should follow, in order not to ruin your body. For starters, it is worth remembering that...

10 Things You Should Never Do in the Sun

No living creature can survive without the sun. If all of a sudden it disappeared, the world would perish. But the sun is not as good as we think. It can cause just as...

Tomatoes Prevent Heart Disease Only under One Single Condition

Scientists have found that cooked tomatoes reduce the risk of heart disease. They found that antioxidant lycopene, contained in tomatoes, is especially powerful after the vegetables are processed. Heart Health & Eating Tomatoes 80 g of...

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common hormonal disorders among women 18-40. In fact, it is thought that at least one out of every ten women suffers from this condition. While there...

5 Snacks Rich in Protein

A healthy snack after an active workout is a guarantee of great results, especially if you use foods rich in protein. Protein helps the muscles recover faster and become stronger. Read about what will become...

Protect Your Heart in the Heat

Weather forecasters warn that the coming July will be hot in many parts of the world. According to doctors, everyone should treat their well-being with special attention during this season, but first of all...

9 Weird Longevity Secrets

Doctors say that to live up to 85, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. But how to cross this threshold remains a medical mystery today. American Forbes spoke to those who is after...

Start Your Meals with Fruits & Veggies to Lose Weight

If you are not sure of your willpower, start your meal with fruit. The researchers found that in this case the person is much more likely to avoid the temptation of junk food. U.S. researchers...

Your Stool Shade: When to Worry?

As you have surely noticed, the color of your feces can change within quite a wide range, and it is indicative of changes in your body. Some shades can attest to malignant processes going...

Countries with the Healthiest Diets

The experts from the University of Cambridge have named the countries where the locals eat healthy food. It was found that the most useful products are preferred by the people from the poorest countries....