5 Dementia Prevention Tips

Although dementia is still an incurable disease, there are effective ways to reduce the risk of its development. British scientists have formulated five rules that can prevent the development of dementia with a high...

Olive Oil Strengthens Bones

No foods can strengthen our bones like dairy products. That is what lots of people think, and they are wrong. A team of Spanish scientists has found that there is a no less useful...

Hot Tea & Coffee Treat Constipation

If you experience severe constipation, try drinking a glass of hot tea or coffee. Experts believe that these drinks help "start" the digestive system once again. Every person must have encountered such a phenomenon as...

Oral Herpes Causes & Treatment

Most people have seen unpleasant pimples on their lips or on the lips of others, which get covered with crust after some time. Where does this disease come from and how to fight it? Causes...

The Effect of the Keto-Diet on Your Health

The ketogenic diet has a long history: in fact, it was discovered in the 1920s as a means of treating epilepsy and has been studied for decades. In 2018, it became a real trend,...

5 Ways to Prevent Allergies in Your Kids

Parents don't want to see their children suffer through allergy attacks. Keeping your children from developing severe allergic reactions, or developing allergies in the first place, isn't as hard as you may think. By...

3 Tips on How to Control Your Appetite

Uncontrollable appetite leads to overeating, which doctors believe to be the main factor of weight gain and obesity. Doctors have told how to deal with the problem of constant feeling of hunger, which makes...

Most Common Menopause Myths Busted

All women grow up with the thought that life is over with the end of the reproductive age. But this assumption is completely wrong. On the contrary, a menopause is an absolute freedom. After...

5 Skin Cancer Myths

More and more people suffer from skin cancer, so this disease is much spoken about. However, it is important to distinguish between truth and fiction, and here are 5 most enduring myths about...

8 Sunscreen Facts to Know When on the Beach

It looks as though the summer has been extremely hot in all regions. The heat is so severe that you can hardly get out of the house. If you need to go out, you...