Unhealthy Ingredients You Should Avoid in Your Food

Shopping for healthy food ought to entail an arduous task of looking through the labels. A great majority of food sold at stores is processed, meaning that it is laced with a number of...

Prostatitis Treatment

Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland, which often develops as a result of a number of infections: chlamydia, ureaplasma, staphylococci, etc. Prostatitis Risk Group You are at risk if you lead an irregular sexual...

Stem Cells to Cure Diabetes

  Pancreas cells synthesizing insulin can be grown from skin cells. The February issue of the Stem Cell journal published an article about a new breakthrough in regenerative medicine. Scientists were able to grow the beta...

Hemorrhoids Symptoms & Treatment

According to official figures, up to 10-15% of the adult population suffer from hemorrhoids. According to statistics, men tend to suffer from it more, but women seek medical help more often, probably because they...

How to Get Rid of Chronic Pains

Experts from Germany have used the technique of magnetic resonance imaging and found that they could alleviate the condition of a person suffering from chronic pain. The reactions of the brain and the spinal...

Tomatoes Prevent Heart Disease Only under One Single Condition

Scientists have found that cooked tomatoes reduce the risk of heart disease. They found that antioxidant lycopene, contained in tomatoes, is especially powerful after the vegetables are processed. Heart Health & Eating Tomatoes 80 g of...

Reasons Why You Can’t Lose Weight

Lots of adults can not lose weight no matter how hard they try. Unfortunately, a growing number of people, as nutritionists say, have insulin resistance. That is, their body can not properly use insulin...

Edema Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Your favorite shoes become tight in the evening, and in the morning you can not look at yourself in the mirror without tears? Edema is a common problem, which does not seem to be...

Which Doctors to See If You Have Different Kinds of Pains?

Who has never felt pain at least once in a lifetime? Such a man can hardly be found. Aching, pressing, throbbing, cramping pain - sometimes you do not know what medicine to take and...

Expensive Painkillers Useless

Numerous expensive painkillers promising to work fast that are sold in pharmacies without a prescription are nothing more than a waste of money. Experts explain how to get the maximum benefit from analgesics with...