8 Sunscreen Facts to Know When on the Beach

It looks as though the summer has been extremely hot in all regions. The heat is so severe that you can hardly get out of the house. If you need to go out, you...

Olive Oil Strengthens Bones

No foods can strengthen our bones like dairy products. That is what lots of people think, and they are wrong. A team of Spanish scientists has found that there is a no less useful...

Stem Cells to Cure Diabetes

  Pancreas cells synthesizing insulin can be grown from skin cells. The February issue of the Stem Cell journal published an article about a new breakthrough in regenerative medicine. Scientists were able to grow the beta...

Potato Juice Health Benefits

You eat a lot of potato in one form or another, unceasingly, either as French fries and chips, or as baked or mashed side dish, sometimes as an ingredient in many a salad. Probably...

Countries with the Healthiest Diets

The experts from the University of Cambridge have named the countries where the locals eat healthy food. It was found that the most useful products are preferred by the people from the poorest countries....

How to Get Rid of Chronic Pains

Experts from Germany have used the technique of magnetic resonance imaging and found that they could alleviate the condition of a person suffering from chronic pain. The reactions of the brain and the spinal...

Counting Cash Calms Down Your Nerves

Counting money from time to time reconciles the imperfections of the world. Researchers from the University of Minnesota offered the first group of volunteers to count 80 hundred-dollar bills. They offered the second group to...

Coffee Nap, or Napuccino

A cup of coffee before taking a nap? It sounds illogical. However, coffee in a combination with a short sleep will give you an extra boost of energy. Read this article to know how...

Ways to Remember to Take Your Medicine

You can forget about taking medications, even if you are sitting at home and seem to be doing nothing. But depending on what medicine you take, even one forgotten day can lead to the...

Try Cryotherapy on Your Stiff Joints

Right now many people are trying to get arthritis out of their joints by cryotherapy; it can even be referred to as a trendy cure as it draws in more and more sufferers. It...