Doctors Contribute to 40 Million Deaths Annually

That is the number of the patients, who die each year because of poor-quality medicine. Such sad statistics was published in the BMJ Quality & Safety journal by Harvard scientists from the Institute of...

Sleep Position & Dreaming Linked

The scientists from the University of Hong Kong believe that the plot of dreams depends on the sleep position of a person. Thus, those who sleep on their stomach see erotic dreams more often. The current...

Bad Air Causes Cancer

Air pollution is a major cause for cancer, according to a new report by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), which is part of the WHO. According to experts, in 2010, polluted...

Taking Fever Medication Makes The Flu Worse

Canadian researchers from McMaster University conducted a study on the effect of fever medication. The researchers concluded that lowering fever leads to a further spread of the infection and a greater number of deaths due...

10 Everyday Things That Can Surprisingly Make One High

There are items that are not dangerous, unless they are used for other purposes. Some may get into trouble because of ignorance, while others deliberately seek adventures. However, such experiments can have negative impact...

Those Wearing White Clothes in Summer Risk Skin Cancer

Spanish researchers from the Catalan University refuted the widespread belief that it is better to wear light-colored clothing (preferably white) in summer. Such outdated information can lead to serious health problems. In a series...

Money Is Full of Bacteria

U.S. researchers have discovered more than 3,000 types of bacteria on dollar bills, taken at a New York bank. Some of them quite puzzled the experts. Scientists have long known that money is full...

Implantable ReMix Health Monitors

Diagnosing diseases is not always an effective and painless procedure (think about swallowing the endoscopic probe!). Specialists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) offer the use of modern technology to determine the state...

Coronavirus Outbreak Video

The coronavirus pandemic continues to affect new regions of the Earth and captures the countries of Europe and America, one after another. California student Edward Haas has created a short video demonstrating the consistent...

Dry Drowning & Secondary Drowning Causes & Treatment

Almost no one knows about the phenomenon of the so-called "dry drowning". However, for many people it is really dangerous. And especially for those who go to the seaside for a vacation. "Dry drowning" is...