7-Day Deo Sweat Block

Did you know that a whole series of modern studies have confirmed that the smell of sweat attracts the opposite sex? But if you take a ride in a crowded public transport without a...

Home Air Makes You Ill

The air in our house can be the cause of any disease. From drying linen to using a gas stove - millions of homes may be affected by the toxic home syndrome, which increases...

Best Anti-Cancer Fruit Revealed

American scientists have named the fruit, which contains the strongest anti-cancer substance in the world. The guanabana tropical fruit of the graviola tree is characterized by the most powerful anti-cancer effect. It is also known...

Alzheimer’s Vaccine Is Reality

Millions of people worldwide suffer from Alzheimer's disease, a progressive memory disorder that occurs as a result of the accumulation of tau protein in brain cells. Successful struggle with the terrible disease is a...

Ultrasound to Destroy Cancer Cells

The University of Michigan has published an interesting material that explains how ultrasound technology will help destroy cancer tumors shortly. Instead of surgery, it is planned to use Histotripsy technology, which means sending short-targeted impulses...

Australian Doctors Bring Dead Woman Back to Life

The heart of a 41-year-old resident of the state of Victoria stopped beating for 42 minutes. Vanessa Tanasio suffered two heart attacks, one at home and the second at hospital. Despite the fact that...

Vitamins Deficiency Leads to Insomnia

Doctors believe insomnia is a neurological disorder caused by fatigue and stress. But scientists from the University of Northern California are convinced that sleep disturbances may be caused by lack of nutrients in the...

Why Controlling Your Shower Head Regularly?

A study conducted by experts from the University of Colorado Boulder found that about one-third of all shower heads contain microorganisms that can cause various diseases, including severe ones and those difficult to treat....

Scientists Find a New Micro-Organ in the Human Immune System

Despite the long study of the human body, it still keeps secrets from us. Australian scientists have even found a whole organ in the immune system. It has long been known that the people who...

3D Printer Printing Skin & Healing Wounds WFIRM

Scientists at WFIRM (Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine) have developed a mobile device for skin bioprinting. The gadget is the first to allow you to apply a 2-layer skin directly on the wound....