Food Additive to Reduce Overeating

British scientists have found that overweight people took almost 15% less food from the buffet when they were given food additives with propionate. According to the researchers, this additive can be an effective tool...

Wi-Fi Health Risks

Scientists have conducted studies and found that Wi-Fi can provoke deterioration of health. Danish scientists conducted an experiment on children and houseplants and came to a disappointing conclusion. A group of schoolchildren slept a few nights...

Surgeons Remove 24 Inch Blood Clot from a Man’s Body

The doctors from the clinic at the University of California at Los Angeles have got an unusual patient. Todd Dunlap had a blood clot that had grown substantially over almost the entire length of...

Liquid Silk to Substitute Skin Glue & Stitches

As you know, when stitching wounds, the surgeon uses a standard set of tools: a thread with a needle, medical glue, and staples. There is nothing superfluous. All tools have earned credibility and trust,...

Those Wearing White Clothes in Summer Risk Skin Cancer

Spanish researchers from the Catalan University refuted the widespread belief that it is better to wear light-colored clothing (preferably white) in summer. Such outdated information can lead to serious health problems. In a series...

Sedentary Jobs Beneficial to Your Health

A sedentary job, in which a person has to spend several hours a day in the chair, so far has been considered very harmful to the body. Office workers suffer from a number of...

Viruses to Battle Late-Stage Cancer?

American scientists have made another breakthrough in the development of methods for combating late-stage cancer with the help of immunotherapy methods. The new method of oncolytic viral therapy is to deliver a kind of molecular...

Cola Intake Causes Arrhythmia

Scientists have found out that Cola intake can cause arrhythmia. This effect is caused by the corn syrup that the drink contains. This syrup may hinder water absorption in the digestive system and thus cause...

Cutting Salt Intake Senseless

Recent studies have shown that restrictions on salt are not really needed: no matter how much salt we may have eaten, the body takes exactly the amount it needs. At present, developed countries have rather...

Energy Drinks Make Your Tired

Experts have come to a paradoxical conclusion that popular energy drinks, in fact, make us more tired because of iron deficiency caused by energy drinks. According to The Health Food Manufacturers' Association (HFMA), caffeine, which...