Meat & Water Cause Alzheimer’s Disease

The copper contained in our diet may trigger the development of Alzheimer's disease. This is the conclusion made by researchers at the University of Rochester Medical Center in the UK. Copper Leads to Alzheimer's Disease According...

Zero Gravity to Cure Cancer?

The development of cancer treatment methods is a priority for modern medical science. From time to time, there appears information about the sensational effectiveness of original methods of curing cancer, many of which do...

5 Diseases More and More Young People Suffer from

Medical statistics show the diseases the older generation previously used to suffer from have been increasingly diagnosed in younger patients in recent years. WHO experts have compiled a list of "age" diseases, disseminated among...

3D Printing to Stop Hair Loss

Baldness is not a problem of today, many men in different ages struggled with this unpleasant phenomenon, but only now there is a chance to get rid of it completely. A revolutionary method of...

Stress Leads to Alzheimer’s Disease

The people, who are regularly exposed to stressful situations in adulthood, are more likely to suffer from dementia in old age, The Telegraph writes. According to the scientists, those who are faced with adverse...

Men Taking Selfies Mentally Ill

Selfies became part of a subculture uniting gadget owners – nowadays, everyone is taking pictures of themselves. However, it turned out that the men who like taking and posting selfies may be suffering from...

Doctors to Treat Heart Attack with RNA

Doctors have developed a new technique allowing the heart to restore blood circulation shortly after a heart attack. Experts from Harvard University and the Karolinska Institute have learned to cope with the effects of heart...

Smoking E-Cigarettes & Popcorn Lung Linked

Despite the fact that e-smoking is considered virtually harmless, scientists do not hurry to draw such optimistic conclusions. On the contrary, they say that the inhalation of vapor leads to a dangerous lung damage,...

Hidden Risks of Toothpaste

Choosing toothpaste by taste and color is a very simple thing nowadays. Many of them look attractive and smell so delicious that you want to put them in your mouth. But doctors warn one...

The Celeb-Endorsed Alkaline Diet Creator Turned out to Be a Phony

Last week the BBC brought some more news about Robert Young, Ph.D., whose invention, the alkaline diet, was hailed as extremely helpful by actresses like Jennifer Aniston and Kate Hudson, and this time the...