Radio Waves to Reduce Arthritis Pain

In modern medicine, pain relief is one of the main elements in the treatment of many diseases. However, not all patients with varying degrees of pain can receive effective anesthetics. The development of a...

New HIV Vaccine

American scientists have come close to creating the most powerful HIV vaccine. Experiments on monkeys have shown that the drug can protect animals from four times the dose of the virus. Created on the protein...

30-Minute Sleep Deprivation Harms Your Health

Science has received evidence that even a seemingly minor half-hour lack of sleep can cause problems in the body that lead to the development of serious diseases. It was found that 30-minute lack of...

7 Useless Body Parts

Every day thousands of people get their wisdom teeth and appendices removed, and suffer from inflamed tonsils. Someone may consider all these body parts completely useless, but they have a clear purpose. Men's nipples Why...

Men Taking Selfies Mentally Ill

Selfies became part of a subculture uniting gadget owners – nowadays, everyone is taking pictures of themselves. However, it turned out that the men who like taking and posting selfies may be suffering from...

5-Minute Coronavirus Test Created

The rapid spread of the coronavirus pandemic requires an adequate medical response. First of all, scientists are striving to improve the virus diagnostic system, which allows isolating the patient in a timely manner and...

Implantable ReMix Health Monitors

Diagnosing diseases is not always an effective and painless procedure (think about swallowing the endoscopic probe!). Specialists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) offer the use of modern technology to determine the state...

7-Day Deo Sweat Block

Did you know that a whole series of modern studies have confirmed that the smell of sweat attracts the opposite sex? But if you take a ride in a crowded public transport without a...

Light Therapy to Cure Chronic Pain

Professor Tolle (Germany) came up with a way to overcome chronic pain using light therapy. The trial involved about 100 volunteers. The participants of the experience will undergo a course of light therapy in the...

Loneliness Epidemic

The study conducted by the staff of Brigham Young University found that loneliness, as a social phenomenon, is experiencing significant growth - more people feel lonely, despite the conditions of life and environment. According...