Ganglion Cyst Causes & Treatment

Of course, you are familiar with the situation when a cyst appears on the bone of the wrist. It appears unexpectedly, it does not hurt, but frightens you with uncertainty. People apply plantain to...

AI to Detect Breast Cancer in Early Stages

The penetration of AI technology into medicine greatly affects the early diagnosis of such serious ailments as diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, and others. Early diagnosis allows you to effectively deal with diseases, increases...

Blood Test to Detect 7 Most Dangerous Cancers

Liquid biopsy is a widely used method and an early measure for diagnosing cancer. The spinal fluid, blood, and urine are taken as the test material. Regular research by American scientists led them to...

Cooling & Heating Patch Controls Your Body Temperature

Global warming is changing the climate on the planet and forcing professionals to engage in the development of new mobile and cost-effective climate systems. At the University of California, the researchers are studying the...

Reasons Plastic Surgeon Might Refuse to Perform a Surgery

Despite the fact that all people who turn to a plastic surgeon pursue the same goal of reshaping their appearance, their motives can be completely different. As plastic surgeons admit, it is most difficult for...

Heartburn Facts You Must Know

Heartburn as a sign of gastroesophageal reflux is experienced by 20–40% of the adult population of developed countries. According to international studies, about 161 million people in Europe and the United States suffer from...

Exciting Blood Donation Facts

Blood transfusion is a procedure that is used by modern medicine as the only alternative method of treating various diseases and saving lives after severe blood loss. During the war years, the wounded were...

Surgical Treatments for Obesity: Are They Effective?

Almost a third of the world's population is obese. This problem concerns both the rich and the poor. An additional problem for obese people is the attitude of society in the form of condemnation....

Wearable Blood Tester Gadget

MIT engineers have developed a unique wearable sensor to determine the concentration of biological marker substances in saliva. The device is designed to replace the traditional blood test. It should be noted that the blood...

Is Plastic the Worst Environment’s Enemy?

Much as has been said about the damage wrought on nature by too much fossil fuel and plastic, there are other environmental dangers as virulent – if not more so. One of these is...