5 Most Common Cancer Myths

Scientists all over the world are looking for a miracle pill to save humanity from oncology. There are a lot of fears and speculations around cancer because what is unknown to us is the...

How to Treat Chronic Fatigue Without Medications?

If you suddenly felt that life does not seem nice to you, and the body stopped listening to you, do not blame the cold and rush to the pharmacy for antivirus drugs. You may...

How Does Stress Affect Your Spine?

We often hear that health depends on the psychological state. A specialist in Chinese medicine tells how emotions change the structure of our spine and posture. In the middle of the 20th century, Western doctors...

Wearable Blood Tester Gadget

MIT engineers have developed a unique wearable sensor to determine the concentration of biological marker substances in saliva. The device is designed to replace the traditional blood test. It should be noted that the blood...

Is Plastic the Worst Environment’s Enemy?

Much as has been said about the damage wrought on nature by too much fossil fuel and plastic, there are other environmental dangers as virulent – if not more so. One of these is...

Permanent Tattoos to Track Your Health State

As a rule, tattoos are meant to reveal something important about yourself or to attract attention. A new development will allow you to track the most important indicators of human health. Until now, electronic tattoos...

7 Mistakes You Make When Cleaning up

Cleaning is a necessary thing. It does not seem particularly difficult. Perhaps just morally. However, it turns out that even in this simple matter we often make primitive mistakes, which reduce to nothing half...

15 Facts You Believe Which Are Complete Nonsense

In the today's world, there is a huge number of "axioms" that no one is going to challenge. Thus, the majority believe that a chameleon changes color for camouflage, that life expectancy was very...

Heartburn Facts You Must Know

Heartburn as a sign of gastroesophageal reflux is experienced by 20–40% of the adult population of developed countries. According to international studies, about 161 million people in Europe and the United States suffer from...

Important Food Combining Rules to Know

Elementary knowledge of chemistry and medicine would be useful to any responsible cook. It is on this knowledge that the rules of food compatibility are based, so it will help you make your food...