Is Plastic the Worst Environment’s Enemy?

Much as has been said about the damage wrought on nature by too much fossil fuel and plastic, there are other environmental dangers as virulent – if not more so. One of these is...

Water to Be Cleaned with Carbon Dioxide

The problem of cleaning wastewater from pathogenic bacteria has found an original solution, namely a technique developed at the University of New South Wales in the Australian city of Canberra. Malicious microbes are destroyed...

Multiple Sclerosis in Young People: Are You at Risk?

If you think that sclerosis can only happen at senile age, you are both mistaken and lucky. It means that you have not experienced this disease, although it can occur in 20-year-olds. will...

5 Most Common Cancer Myths

Scientists all over the world are looking for a miracle pill to save humanity from oncology. There are a lot of fears and speculations around cancer because what is unknown to us is the...

7 Mistakes You Make When Cleaning up

Cleaning is a necessary thing. It does not seem particularly difficult. Perhaps just morally. However, it turns out that even in this simple matter we often make primitive mistakes, which reduce to nothing half...

How Does Stress Affect Your Spine?

We often hear that health depends on the psychological state. A specialist in Chinese medicine tells how emotions change the structure of our spine and posture. In the middle of the 20th century, Western doctors...

7 Hidden Reasons for Lower Back Pain

Of course, the notorious radiculitis and osteochondrosis can be a good reason. But they are not the basic cause. Pain in the lower back is much more often caused by the pathology of the...

Dry Eye Syndrome: Causes & Treatment

All office workers treat this ailment as inevitable, but not terrible. Some solve the problem using artificial tears, and some simply suffer. Yet, both categories run the risk of damaging their sight! What is a...

8 Physical Symptoms of Loneliness

From time to time, staying alone is useful, but prolonged social isolation has serious health consequences. Loneliness causes a lot of negative emotions: sadness, anxiety, fear, and thanks to a close neural connection between...

10 Mistakes Everybody Makes before Vacation

Although less than half a month is left till the end of summer, many of us still haven’t caught any sun and are in happy anticipation of the holiday. And indeed: the velvet season...