How Does Stress Affect Your Spine?

We often hear that health depends on the psychological state. A specialist in Chinese medicine tells how emotions change the structure of our spine and posture. In the middle of the 20th century, Western doctors...

Wearable Blood Tester Gadget

MIT engineers have developed a unique wearable sensor to determine the concentration of biological marker substances in saliva. The device is designed to replace the traditional blood test. It should be noted that the blood...

Blood Test to Detect 7 Most Dangerous Cancers

Liquid biopsy is a widely used method and an early measure for diagnosing cancer. The spinal fluid, blood, and urine are taken as the test material. Regular research by American scientists led them to...

Cooling & Heating Patch Controls Your Body Temperature

Global warming is changing the climate on the planet and forcing professionals to engage in the development of new mobile and cost-effective climate systems. At the University of California, the researchers are studying the...

Important Food Combining Rules to Know

Elementary knowledge of chemistry and medicine would be useful to any responsible cook. It is on this knowledge that the rules of food compatibility are based, so it will help you make your food...

Water to Be Cleaned with Carbon Dioxide

The problem of cleaning wastewater from pathogenic bacteria has found an original solution, namely a technique developed at the University of New South Wales in the Australian city of Canberra. Malicious microbes are destroyed...

Reasons Plastic Surgeon Might Refuse to Perform a Surgery

Despite the fact that all people who turn to a plastic surgeon pursue the same goal of reshaping their appearance, their motives can be completely different. As plastic surgeons admit, it is most difficult for...

Tips for a Successful Recruiting Job

You can say a physician recruiter is successful if they are consistent in finding and placing the best candidates in job openings. They perform roles such as sourcing, client and document management, and retention,...

Dry Eye Syndrome: Causes & Treatment

All office workers treat this ailment as inevitable, but not terrible. Some solve the problem using artificial tears, and some simply suffer. Yet, both categories run the risk of damaging their sight! What is a...

Why Is Tuesday the Most Stressful Day of the Week?

If it is Tuesday, you luckily think it is not Monday already, but still, most of the week is yet to come. When it comes to the weekend you will hardly believe it because...