British Retirees to Get Death Letters


British authorities decided to inform the people of pre-retirement age in writing about the date of their alleged death. Such “death letters” will be delivered to everyone who plans to retire and have the well-deserved rest soon.

For many people, retirement is a happy event because now they can truly relax, improve their own health, and pay more attention to themselves and their family. Receiving a letter from the pension fund with the information about when you have to die seems to be the fruit of someone’s sick imagination. But the British authorities believe that such letters will be useful for future pensioners.

Life expectancy will be measured taking into account such factors as smoking, alcohol, diet addiction, as well as financial status. Such letters, according to the British authorities, will help people to better plan the rest of their life, properly using their pension savings.

According to Minister for Pensions Steve Webb, when retiring the Brits should know how much they can live to make informed decisions about their finances. The official says that many people underestimate their life expectancy. At the same time, they should not look at how long their grandparents lived because modern medicine allows living much longer.

And if a retiree is planning to live 15 years and quickly spends all the pension savings, he/she may keep body and soul together already when being an elderly person. It is to avoid such errors that death letters will be sent.

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